Why's that?What repo you using? i have found you can use sarge with out that many problems, if you use etch or sid you'll get screwed.
So try changing your /etc/apt/sources.list, change where it says oldstable to sarge. then apt-get update and apt-get install uqm
If you got the space the synaptic in sarge is much better(apt-get install synaptic) then you could look at it and just find your package click on it and mark for install.
those kind of errors are common with apt-get, you could have the wrong name, a trick i use is to put the repo adress in a browser and go there to find the name when i'm not using synaptic.
Yep,it's in stable(a.k.a sarge) i just did a search over on debian-> http://packages.debian.org/cgi-bin....ase=allOk. I'm quite a noob with apt...not a big deal, were all noobs at one time. i still consider myself a noob even though i've been using for well over 3 years, i've found linux to be a never ending source of learning. but once you get the hang of it, it's pretty close to the many types of package installers out there like yum,slapt-get,etc...so you can move from one distro to another and still feel you all ready know it.I've been using Gentoo only. =D But I like to learn Debian.Next Page...
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