Apt-get :: Where is apt-get?

This is a lot like ovlfs - check out SLAX for an example of that.
cbagger01: I tried your synaptic script last night and it worked perfectly - thank you very much   :)

It would be great if this script was included by default as a menu and/or desktop link.


1ºSo... I understand that ¿without a net conection I cant use app-get??
Oh no!
2º In that Case, how could I run apps that comes in .rpm packages and apps that are not compiled???????????????

You still need to use the dpkg-restore script before you can install packages.

Please download the restore file on a networked computer and copy it over to your DSL computer:


Then run the dpkg-restore script.

sudo su

Next, you will need to search for packages that end in .deb instead of .rpm

These are called Debian packages instead of RPMs.

Once you have copied the file to your computer from another computer that has network access (use USB flash disk or use CD-R), you can install the program by typing:

sudo su
dpkg  -i  filename.deb

You can get many packages by downloading them from the following web site:


Good Luck.

original here.