Looking at the busybox documentation, 'cp' doesn't support the 's' argument to create symbolic links instead of copying and 'ln' doesn't support the '--target-directory'.
Any thoughts on how the script could be modified for 0.6.? I was thinking that the output of 'find /KNOPPIX/somewhere' could be looped thru and a symbolic link created for each result file relative to '/ramdisk/'.
I might give this a try if you think I'm on the right track because your script looks spot on for the sort of stuff I want to do.
PaulMy quick advice is to download and use it instead of 0.6 for the short term.
My longer term advice is more of a suggestion to John (& Robert):
Is there an alternative to replacing ALL of the core Linux utilities with BusyBox?
There are several programs (like cp, ln, tar, gzip) that just don't work the same in Busybox and in some situations, this cripples the OS.
I am sure that there are other shell scripts/install scripts out there that will work properly in but will bomb out in 0.6
Can you please bring back the above mentioned core Linux programs in a future version of DSL?So _that's_ what happened to some of my scripts when run in 6. --- Next Page...
original here.