Apt-get :: apt-get update and apt-get install


I added these two commands to the bootlocal.sh:
sudo dbkg -i /KNOPPIX/var/cache/apt/archives/cpio_2.4.2-39woody1_i386.deb
sudo dbkg -i /KNOPPIX/var/cache/apt/archives/libxaw6_4.1.0_-16woody6_i386.deb

It had no effect.  The settings in bootlocal.sh and the archives were there when I checked them on the remastered CD.  When I run the commands from a Xshell window on the desktop of a system started with the remastered CD they complete and the app I'm trying to use then works.  

I also tried putting them in .xinitrc - again they make it to the next remaster but have no effect.

I then created a shell script, which contains the above commands. I created an icon to run that script, and the icon made it to the NEXT remaster.  When I open the icon it runs the script and my application will then work. I don't actually see the script run, but I can hear the CD being accessed, and the ICAClient will then connect.

Apparently the commands above have to run AFTER the xdesktop finishes loading.  Is there a way to get the script to run automatically AFTER the xdesktop starts?


If anyone's looking back at this thread, the last post should be "sudo dpkg" instead of "sudo dbkg"

original here.