Apt-get :: How to enable apt in dsl 3.2?

Perhaps he has been running DSL v0.5.3.1. That was the last time apt and dpkg were embedded in DSL core, since v0.6 it has only been a menu item to load dsl-dpkg.dsl, and a synaptic.dsl has been around a very long time as well. The menu item in v3.2 was dropped for synaptic as it was referencing a url that is no longer available. Instead of constantly having a broken core for referencing urls, the menu item for synaptic downloader was dropped. This makes it easier to update the apt sources for both dsl-dpkg.dsl and synatics.dsl when changes are needed.

It is probably an apt sources in need of an update to point to the proper location of debian repositories.

For those who may not have heard yet, Debian Woody (DSL's base distro) has been archived recently to make room for etch. Put this line in your /etc/apt/sources.list file and you are good to go:

deb http://archive.debian.org/debian-archive/ woody main contrib non-free

Woody's apt sources should never change again.  Good news for us DSL users and those oddballs like me who still use Debian Woody as their desktop system.

Thanks for mentioning the Woody location.  I was having trouble getting "apt-get update" to work - it wouldn't find any of the other locations in sources.list.  I'm glad that I started reading here =)
I am new to DSL but not Linux, having used apt from the command line in the past. What are the benefits of using apt vs. MyDSL?

I'm still getting my networking up so I haven't played around with it yet, but I'd like to know if it is more than just personal preference.

Thanks to Jason for the Debian archive link.
The dsl-dpkg.dsl extension in the system section of the repository has been updated.

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