Apt-get :: Where is update-alternatives?
I tried to do a remaster of 10RC1.
I am not a fan of fluxbox so the first i do is apt-get install icewm
To remaster, i copy the content of the KNOPPIX to my remix dir.
Then install dsl-dpkg.dsl, gnu-utils.dsl, alsadebs.dsl and XFree86.dsl
Then chroot into the remix dir, apt-get update and start apt-get ting all i want.
i have done this from dsl-0.8.2 till 0.9.3, and it works great.
Now with 10RC1 it appears the update-alternatives is removed from the /usr/sbin, so apt-get install icewm complains.
I can solve this by copieng it from the "old" 0.9.3, but i think it should be put in dsl-dpkg.dsl.
WHERE are the /etc/alternatives ...
while apt-get ting more and more, i found i had to "rerpair":
I know the are not nessesary for dsl to run. It is good to take them out to save space for runtime files.
But i whould like to see then back in dsl-dpkg.dsl
Unused directories should take up very little space on the disk.
I don't know the exact amount, but I would rather nuke unused files than unused directories. Especially if the directories are expected to be present by the Debian package installer.
Of course your dsl-dpkg suggestion is also a good one because you can't install any packages without it except by untarring stuff.
I have updated the dsl-dpkg.dsl extension .
It is in the repository, in the "system" area..
Please test and feedback as to the missing dirs/files that
henk.1955 spoke of..
Thank you Kent.
I tested the new dsl-dpkg.dsl.
It works almost.
It looks like some debian postinstall scripts need a /etc/alternatives/pager.
After i added this to the dsl-dpkg.dsl, i could apt-get all i wanted.
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