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Quick questions - Printable Version

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Quick questions - grindstone - 02-13-2024

Still pounding on it.  Super-solid here so far (nice job and thanks!)--more machines to try.  Got a list going and I'll be back when I get it concise.  For now, questions:

1)  Is there anything in here that'll do screen dumps besides xwd (the format of which is ~low utility w/o convert from imagemagick). 
2)  Seeing feh and fbi for images...and mtpaint--is that it?

Thanks.  And thanks again for doing it at all--this is deeply cool to have in 2024!

RE: Quick questions - John - 02-13-2024

Thanks for the testing!

1) there's scrot. You could do a quick dump and capture with:
scrot screenshot.png && feh screenshot.png

2) Yeah, basically. You could also use w3m, glinks or dillo to do quick image viewing too. Or, you could use zzzfm as a sort of thumbnail viewer or do the same thing in a term window with Ranger.

RE: Quick questions - grindstone - 02-13-2024

Thank you