
Group: Members
Posts: 3
Joined: Mar. 2006 |
Posted: April 05 2006,09:27 |
DSL reminds me of the days back when I just started using PCs. I learned most of the computer stuff from a friend, and he made this dos boot floppy full of tools that I assumed gotten from bbs. He has a find utility, some kind of fancy version of DOS dir.exe that displays file lists in exotic colors, a picture viewer, and some batche files he made. I followed his example and made one too, and I would carry around with me ready to rescue people in dire need of computer problem. As there are more and more conern about virus plus the limit of floppy capacity I just put the floppies in some forgotten corner and never use them again. DSL reminds me of all those fond memories; it is like an even grander dream come true really. A tiny robust portable system like this makes me the happiest man in the world. Thanks to the maker for DSL. And I also would like to thank the person that uploaded the whitebox config mydsl extension. I am using DSL 1.2 and was trying to change the wallpaper but wallpaper.lua and fsetbg aren't availuable to me. The particular mydsl extension saved my day. Now I just have to figure out how to save the wallpaper setting and how to stop that beeping sound when I boot the system and I'll have the coolest usb drive ever