
Group: Members
Posts: 1
Joined: May 2006 |
Posted: May 06 2006,22:39 |
This is a DSL install blog for a Fujitsu Stylistic 1000. These can be had for $30
Some good specs on it can be found on this page.
I live near halted, so I went down and picked one up. There's no power supply, no hard drive, but the salesguy at halted said he's gotten his to run on his cars 12volt. Apparently these things are very forgiving.
 Took it home, unpacked it. It's black screen stared at me with a coldness that could only be described as death.
 On the bottom there was exposed copper for when the device sits in it's docking station. I figured this would be a good place to start testing as a possible power in (the real power connector is kinda funky, proprietary)
 I fashioned my own testing connector/power supply from an old AT PS I scavenged from my graveyard of broken PC's. I used 2 finishing nails as power probes.
 Using my patent pending rubber band technique, I raised my lighting rod through the roof of the tower, lighting struck it in a brilliant flash of white, and the Stylistic 1000 began posting.
Next post, I get CF flash, run DSL.
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