
Group: Members
Posts: 68
Joined: Jan. 2008 |
Posted: Oct. 15 2008,13:40 |
Thanks to everyone who gave me encouragement and kept me on the right track while making my transition into this strange new world of Linux.
I recently did a custom dual boot Linux and their current OS for someone. Another Distro was more practical for them, but DSL worked as advertised for a demo. The most impressive things to them was their computer being ready to use in under a minute and a half from the live cd with all their hardware being detected and supported and how fast they could browse the web. They are dropping a thank you contribution in the mail. Total costs involved for them including contributions to DSL, the installed Distro, a few hardware upgrades and my fees works out to about the same as a single copy, and nothing else, of the proprietary OS that they would otherwise be forced to upgrade (or really downgrade) to.
It takes cents (sense) to make dollars.
DSL is a great demonstration distro but also proved, as I suspected it would, an excellent platform for learning what makes Linux tick. Where not everything happens automaticly, one is forced to learn the underlying fundamentals. This is something I find lacking in a lot of tech support that just follows a set of step-by-steps that anyone could find and actually knows little more then the user.
I am anxiously awaiting the re-release of DSL Core. I have a couple of things about ready for an Alpha release. They are designed to be cross platform but would work easiest and best with DSL. Just a couple more tweaks and the decision of which license to use. So DSL also works as a small, but stable and user friendly platform to build up from.
Thanks again, Spark-o-matic
-------------- The smartest person is not the person who knows the most. The smartest person is the one who knows which book to look in. Community knowledge can be the sum of it's knowledge or the sum of it's ignorance The Definition of a 'Brain Fart': When something comes out of my brain that Stinks!