
Group: Members
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Joined: Oct. 2003 |
Posted: Sep. 08 2004,18:12 |
As long as you have the logic of the drive reading 32 sectors/track, the frugal_usb script works fine...
I had to use "sfdisk S 32 /dev/sda" to get the c,h,s to be correct, Probably from repartioning and reformatting my USBkey for other things prior to using it under linux..
When I would run either fdisk or cfdisk, it would partition to a 64 sector/track count all by itself.. Then no bootski .. Time and time again I tried to repartition and reformat.. type 6 , type 4 , all nogo .. The boot would either error out with a " boot failed " error, or the blinky, blinky, blinky cursor..
As my key is 512MB, another obstacle is the cylinder count .. With 32 sectors/track , I have 1982 cylinders .. Dos limit of 1024 is in effect for a type 6 partition, so I made 2 partitions, and all was right with the world.
sda1 = 75 MB , great for upgrading to the next DSL version Nothing here but the DSL install ..
sda2 = 425MB , every extension to date under " /optional ", dsl-dpkg, gnu-utils, and dsl-aterm in the / , The boot*.img's, frugal scripts, a few mp3's, and some personal files in /storage .. Even room left for a backup.tar.gz !
Once you have the USBkey booting properly, and working fine, full of files, mail, backups, personal files, etc , another version of DSL will rollout to the masses .. :-) Then, you will want to upgrade your key to the latest version ..
Running the again won't work, because the script looks for an unformatted partition before installing to sda1 .. I didn't want to repartition the key again for fear of losing all my stuff in sda2, or having the sector/track count jump to 64 again.. , and end up with a non-booting keydrive. Remember the issues about partitioning " out-of-order " ? I didn't want to delete sda1 , leaving sda2, then try to come in before sda2, and make a new sda1 , which would actually be created AFTER sda2.. I seen screwy things happen with that situation.. cfdisk reads " partitions are out of order " , etc...
So, I commented out the mkdosfs command and the if statements to detect the formatted partition in ( it was already correct, right? ) Then I deleted all the existing files out of the sda1 partition. Ran the edited, and boom, upgraded and bootable. And all my stuff on sda2 was untouched . Bootup with " dsl dma toram mydsl=sda2 restore=sda2 " and " playtime " !!
I've done it twice now, with different versions of DSL. Works great.. I am hoping someone will duplicate my efforts here, and verify my findings..
73 ke4nt