
Group: Members
Posts: 23
Joined: Jan. 2005 |
Posted: Feb. 06 2005,16:35 |
Hello and thanks for your patience:
I have been experimenting with BeatrIX 2005.1 and DSL 0.9.3 and am posting my early results for anyone interested. Some details:
Tests were informal and were done with the standard live CD version of BeatrIX 2005.1 and a live CD of DSL 0.9.3 remastered to provide "equivalent" functionality. I tested only live CD's. I have not tested hard drive installations. I did not test printing configuration capabilities in this exercise. I have attempted to avoid comparisons about personal preference items such as backgrounds, splash screens, window managers, etc.
Unfortunately, the Openoffice.tar.gz files in the DSL CD were in the optional folder which makes boot times not directly comparable. I estimate an additional 35 seconds to download and install Openoffice.tar.gz on the DSL system.
I am a linux newbie. There may be some newbie misunderstandings in what follows. I welcome corrections to improve my understanding. I wish to express my sincere admiration to the BeatrIX and DSL teams. These distro's are fabulous and greatly aid mass acceptance of linux. I look forward to more releases. Comments most welcome.
DISTRO BeatrIX 2005.1 DSL 0.9.3 remaster
SIZE 182MB 163MB
CONTENTS Standard Standard plus rcfirewall.dsl, firefox-1.0PR.dsl, jre1_5_0.tar.gz, openoffice.tar.gz (in optional folder)
BOOT TIME 1:55 1:46 2:21 with OO (estimated) CONNECTIVITY
Wired Broadband Excellent out of box Excellent out of box
Wireless Broadband Without ndiswrapper Wrote boot script to my adapter could not configure wireless function adapter; excellent
Other (dial up, etc.) Not tested Not tested
Dell Desktop Excellent out of box Excellent out of box
HP Celeron Notebook Scrolling and tapping Excellent out of box on synaptics touchpad did not work. Could not fix after 1 hour trying. Otherwise excellent.
Save configuration Save to hdd partition Clever. Have to know utility does not work. details of which files you need. Works well.
Security Did not test firewall Firewall works well. Otherwise seems OK. DSL appears to allow any virus or hacker who gets in to sudo at will. Is this really the case?
Remastering Not supported yet??? Documentation sketchy; essentially the same as KNOPPIX.