
Group: Members
Posts: 4
Joined: Mar. 2005 |
Posted: Mar. 11 2005,07:36 |
Greetings and salutations to those in the linux community! I have lurked these forums and many others for the past year, and this is the first time I feel the need to post my musings. Over one year ago I was fresh out of drug rehab...court, jail and the county mental hospital (suicide attempt) all followed. It was at this lowest of life's times that I found a renewed interest in computer science and IT as a whole. On one of my few forrays into a chat room (using a well-known and highly hated ISP) I met a girl and subsequently formed a relatiojnship with her...we took thingsa slowly and waited 3 weeks before we met in person. But as I was not liscenced to drive at this point and she lived one county over, we found that IMing was a useful communications tool. This changed, however, when my former OS (W**dows) fell prey to virii,spyware,ect.... I searched frantically for a soloution...I found it in a knoppix live CD. The idea of freedom of code roused my spirit of activism and my natural the drugs I formerely was abusing, I became hooked...this time into something positive. I have since started school (IT security), dated this same girl for 1 yr, moved out on my own (near this same girl *smile*), been clean and even got a drivers liscence w/car. All because of linux. Everyday I find myself inspired to do all sorts of things and experiment with new concepts, and with open source code...the sky is the limit for my potential in this field. I finally feel I have a chance to be sucsessful in a field that I am not only interested in, but am also talented in (so they say anyway). Thank you to all those out there that helped a troubled young man turn his life into something worthwhile. You ALL make a difference.