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Topic: Problems setting proxy with wgetrc, Can't edit proxy settings< Next Oldest | Next Newest >
WoofyDugfock Offline

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Joined: Sep. 2004
Posted: Sep. 23 2004,13:39 QUOTE

I've started playing with DSL and am very impressed at what you get for under 50mB.  BUT I'm 100% *nix newbie on a LAN behind NAT and can only get to the web through a corporate proxy.  

In the tips files on the boot CDROM is says to edit the settings in wgetrc to go through your proxy.  OK, so I open scite and open /etc/wgetrc/ and the comments are self-explanatory.

But when I alter this file accordingly and try to save back to /etc/ I get a message saying "cannot save file".  Same message if I try to save it to /home/ instead (for local user). Opening a shell and then typing sudo scite to then do the same (I thought perhaps you had to be super user or whatever) made no difference.

Grrrrrr!!! What am I failing to grasp here?  Isn't it just like opening an .ini file with notepad in Windoze and changing it?  Apparently not. I've been looking at *nix primers on the web and they are not helping.

Thanks for any assistance - I realise these beginner questions must seem rather naive to *nix people.

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Profile PM 

Posted: Sep. 23 2004,14:34 QUOTE

do not edit /etc/wgetrc ( you cant its on cd).

edit /home/dsl/.wgetrc

1 open emelfm
2 press the H button in the top op emelfm( you will see all hidden files)
3. select .wgerrc
4. press edit button
5. make your changes
6. save
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WoofyDugfock Offline

Group: Members
Posts: 146
Joined: Sep. 2004
Posted: Sep. 24 2004,07:34 QUOTE

Thanks very much indeed 4 your help Henk1955! .wgetrc and dillorc now edited accordingly. Obviously I didn't quite follow the directory structure. Doh.

It might be a good idea if your response was added to the proxy help file on the cd in order to help other unix virgins?

Now if only I could connect to the LAN .. but I'll start a new thread on this for clarity's sake.

"We don't need no stinkin' Windows",39020390,39149796,00.htm
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Profile PM 
2 replies since Sep. 23 2004,13:39 < Next Oldest | Next Newest >

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