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Topic: how to install package *.DEB?< Next Oldest | Next Newest >
theframed Offline

Group: Members
Posts: 1
Joined: Nov. 2004
Posted: Nov. 08 2004,02:24 QUOTE

how install package *.deb in DSL 0.5 , 0.6 , 0.7 or 0.8
for *.DSL files what proced?
i'm not internet avaliable on DSL...
i'm from Brazil, poor english!
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cbagger01 Offline

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Posted: Nov. 08 2004,04:39 QUOTE

For DSL 0.7 or 0.8 versions:

Download the dsl-dpkg.dsl extension from somewhere and copy it over to your DSL computer:

Then click on Apps -> Tools -> Emelfm   to start up the filemanager.

Highlight the dsl-dpkg.dsl file and click on the "MyDSL" button inside the filemanager.  Wait a few seconds until the screen flashes and your extension is now installed.

Then open an xterminal window and type:

sudo su
dpkg -i name_of_your_deb_file.deb

where "name_of_your_deb_file.deb" is replaced with the name of your *.deb package.

Make sure that your deb file is saved in your home directory, ie: /home/dsl/

Good Luck.
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1 replies since Nov. 08 2004,02:24 < Next Oldest | Next Newest >

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