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Topic: Compaq Proliant 1850R autoconfiguring issue, it hangs there but failsafe allows boot< Next Oldest | Next Newest >
green Offline

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Posted: Nov. 23 2004,05:13 QUOTE

Compaq Proliant 1850R
Two P3's at 550Mhz
644MB ram
Six HD's

Using DSL Live CD 0.8.3
During boot when it gets to the " autoconfiguring devices " part, it hangs.
Using " failsafe " at boot get's it through that and into X.
Had to play with " " and got the mouse to act like a normal mouse should.
I can configure the NIC and get on the network using DHCP.
Monkey works.
ssh works.
ftp works.
floppy works when mounted with the dockapp, but didn't when trying to mount from terminal, even tried sudo and sudo su.

cfdisk while sudo or sudo su let's me see a 48MB partition on hda.

I can not see any hard drive's and would like to install to hard drive.
I am not very familiar with servers and have not figured out how to " see " the hardrives and mount them. The dockapp does not show any hard drives.

Have poked around on the forums and will try using a suggestion I found which is to use the Knoppix (3.6) Live CD when I get the chance. Will also be taking my DSL 0.8.4 CD as well.

The DSL CD I'm using has been used on several machines (it ain't no virgin!) and has given me considerably great success.

It seems like this is probably something easy that I am over looking regarding the use of SCSI drives, or RAID, or something. Not really sure.

Yes, I'm a noob to Linux and DSL, but love it, and have blown away XP on my home machine to prove it.

I'm open to suggestions, even not so nice ones, but I have tried to find info on this, just have not come up with much.


BTW I do not see two penguins at boot.........
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skaos Offline

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Posted: Nov. 23 2004,11:21 QUOTE

It seems like this is probably something easy that I am over looking regarding the use of SCSI drives, or RAID, or something.

It could be that DSL doesn't come with a module for your (raid?) SCSI card(s) ... maybe Knoppix has.
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AwPhuch Offline

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Posted: Nov. 23 2004,14:50 QUOTE

Quote (green @ Nov. 23 2004,00:13)
Compaq Proliant 1850R
Two P3's at 550Mhz
644MB ram
Six HD's

/me DROOLS!!!!!


-------------- <-- Where do you use DSL? <-- Ultimate firewall for the world! <--My BOINC stats!
./S99LinuxRevolution start
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green Offline

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Posted: Nov. 24 2004,00:16 QUOTE

Knoppix 3.6 Live CD does not work either.
However, found the following quote when searching through the forums from   roberts

"I would guess that dsl-0.7.3, the last syslinux based version, would boot on your system."

He was referring to an older SCSI system, similar to the one discussed on this post. Will give it a try when I get the CD burned and post back with results, good or bad.

In the meantime, I would appreciate any suggestions.
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green Offline

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Posted: Nov. 24 2004,00:19 QUOTE


Why don't you drool some brain cells on this issue? That way, if you get a system like that you'll already know what to do. I'll be your tester.
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