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Topic: Remastering from an existing HD installation, none of my customizations show< Next Oldest | Next Newest >
noclobber Offline

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Posted: Oct. 18 2004,17:42 QUOTE

I have installed DSL 0.8.2 onto my hard drive at hdb7 and added numerous apps, utilities, and games via apt-get and MyDSL as well as customized my wallpaper, fluxbox menu, desktop icons, ppp, etc.  Now that I've got everything the way I like it, I'd like to remaster a new CD.

I booted the original DSL 0.8.2 CD, mounted hdb7 (my DSL HD installation) and hdb5 (a FAT32 partition containing Windows 2000 and plenty of free space), then as root, issued the following command:

mkisofs -R /mnt/hdb7 | create_compressed_fs - 65536 > /mnt/hdb5/KNOPPIX

The compressed KNOPPIX image file could then be mounted with the command:

mount /mnt/hdb5/KNOPPIX /mnt/some_empty_dir -t iso9660 -o ro,loop=/dev/cloop1

and indeed everything that is on hdb7 shows up in the KNOPPIX file.

Next, I booted DSL from hdb7 while leaving the original DSL CD loaded, mounted both hdb5 and the cdrom, and created the empty directory /home/dsl/newcd.  I then copied everything except the original KNOPPIX file from /cdrom to /home/dsl/newcd and copied my custom KNOPPIX file from /mnt/hdb5 to /home/dsl/newcd/KNOPPIX.

After verifying that the directory structure of /home/dsl/newcd mirrored that of /cdrom, I issued this command as root:

mkisofs -r -l -J -no-emul-boot -no-pad -boot-load-size 4 -boot-info-table -hide-rr-moved -V KNOPPIX -b boot/isolinux/isolinux.bin -c boot/isolinux/ -o /mnt/hdb5/dsl082a.iso /home/dsl/newcd

I burned the iso and booted it up, but it looks and runs exactly like the original DSL 0.8.2 CD.  None of my changes are there.  Everything I've added is there in the /KNOPPIX directory, but not in the / directory.

I'm guessing that I've missed something along the way here, so how do I get my CD to boot DSL just like it boots from the hard drive?

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Rhythmtech Offline

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Posted: Oct. 24 2004,23:32 QUOTE

I am not personally particularly well versed in remastering DSL so I probably won't be much help.  However, I do have a suggestion.  Have you looked through the KNOPPIX faq on  There is a remastering how to that you may be able to apply to the DSL remaster.

Actually if you do figure it it would you let me know how you did it, I am new to this, and have had limited success remastering from a hd install also.
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noclobber Offline

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Posted: Oct. 27 2004,02:19 QUOTE

Ah yes, I've pored over the Knoppix remastering howto so many times that I finally printed out a hard copy.

Aparently the key to getting your customized .xtdesktop and .fluxbox icons, menus, etc to show in a remaster is to copy /home/dsl to /etc/skel prior to creating the compressed KNOPPIX image.  I just did such a remaster, burned & booted it, and *almost* everything appears to look and run as it does from the hard drive (ethernet didn't come up, for example, probably because a net status file couldn't be written to -- the solution may be to move the status file to the ramdrive while replacing the original file with a symlink).  In fact, I am running from live CD right now as I write this in Opera.

Next, I'll try a frugal install from this CD.  My goal with this is to create a sort of kiosk-mode custom remaster that always boots up the same and can't be altered (i.e. screwed up) by the user.  Once I get the kinks worked out, perhaps I should post my own howto for remastering from an existing HD installation (?).

Don't say "No" to Digital Restrictions Management, say "HELL, NO!!!".
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flatloop Offline

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Posted: Oct. 27 2004,15:44 QUOTE

noclobber, I think that would be very good of you to do that.

I'm working on a project with a similar intent, although I am not nearly as far along as re-mastering, yet.  I'm still modifying the user's environment to my tastes.  I support you in your HOWTO efforts.
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noclobber Offline

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Posted: Oct. 30 2004,15:47 QUOTE

Time for a status report.

Apparently some apps don't work when run from a remastered HD installation because they don't have write access to certain log, status, config, etc. files when run from Live CD.  Fixing this requires identifying all such files, then modifying the DSL/Knoppix boot files to guarantee write access wherever it's needed.  I figured out a way to do this, tried it out last night, and everything seems to work.  After some more testing with DSL 0.8.2 (my current HD installation) it'll take a little time to document the procedure and get it posted here.  Be forewarned, though, it ain't pretty.  I also want to try both frugal and regular HD installs from my remasters as well as try DSL 0.7.3 (which uses different boot files) with a custom compiled kernel for old PCs w/o math coprocessors.  In addition, there may be some way to automate the gory parts of this remastering procedure, plus, I just got my paws on this new O'Reilly book called "Knoppix Hacks" which I should probably check out before proceeding.  Wish me luck, I haven't abandoned you.  :)

Don't say "No" to Digital Restrictions Management, say "HELL, NO!!!".
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