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Topic: Mounting the floppy, I can't figure this out< Next Oldest | Next Newest >
Donovan Offline

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Posted: Aug. 14 2004,02:11 QUOTE

Hi all,

I can't make good use of DSL if I can't mount the floppy.  Can anyone give me instructions on this?  I've tried the tack on the bottom right corner of the enhanced desktop and it seems to activate my floppy drive just fine.  When I go to save a file, though, it says that the directory doesn't exist.  It may be as embarrasingly simple as knowing the path.  

I am a Linux & DSL rookie, so I apologize for the simple question, but any help would be appreciated.

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mikshaw Offline

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Posted: Aug. 14 2004,03:25 QUOTE

type "mount /dev/fd0" in a terminal

The directory in which to save should be /mnt/floppy...I'm assuming here, since I haven't used many floppies in the last couple of years.

Edit:  to be sure, look in /etc/fstab.  There should be a line in there concerning "floppy" and/or "fd0"...this will tell you both the correct device and mount point.

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regsx Offline

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Posted: Aug. 14 2004,22:31 QUOTE

you can mount a floppy using the mounting tool on the enhanced desktop
(select floppy, click the button to mount it, the button wiill turn green)

the files on the floppy should be in /mnt/floppy

you can run emelfm, select bookmarks, /mnt
then double-click the floppy dir
and your files should be there

you should unmount the floppy when you're finished with it
even just to change from one floppy to another
just click the mount button and it will no longer be green

in an xterm (rxvt) type umount /mnt/floppy
not unmount ... umount with 1 "n"
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clacker Offline

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Posted: Aug. 14 2004,23:40 QUOTE

you also might want to make sure that the floppy you're trying to use is formatted.  I've had the same error message you got when I tried to read from a mounted device that wasn't formatted.

What happens if you type

ls /mnt/floppy

after you mount the floppy drive?
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Posted: Aug. 26 2004,04:20 QUOTE

Hi all,

Found the solution.  I didn't realize that I had to have a disk in the drive when I hit the tack on the enhanced desktop.  Thanks for the help.  I've been travelling the last few weeks and have been using DSL as "my" computer.  Can only do this now that I've sorted out the floppy problem.

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