
Group: Members
Posts: 1
Joined: Nov. 2006 |
Posted: Nov. 15 2006,12:52 |
Looking for a new desktop os for our old workstations i came accross DSL. First thanks for the verry good job. I'm testing it now only for 2 days and i already love it since its not that wastefull as other "mainstream" distributions.
Now to my problem:
Everything runs just fine but as soon as i open a file (in my case some php sources) the cpu load goes to 40% and as soon as i start to write "hello world" it would only show "he" the cpu usage goes to 100% and the missing "llo world" comes verry verry slowly letter for letter on the screen (maybe ever 5 seconds one single letter). same if i want to browse and use "page up" and "page down" keys.. 100% and verry verry slow.
the hardware we are using here are Pentium - 200 (no mmx) with 64mb ram (2 gb disk but i think thats not importand in this case)
i tried it from cd or from a hd-install both the same results.
i dont want to belive the the workstations are too slow since they running here nt4.0 with e.g. homesite editor just fine with no delays at all.
would just be nice for me if i could replace all this ms-nt with dsl 
oh btw if i turn syntax highlighting off its fine with beaver. but homesite for example has syntax highliting too and runs with nt without delays.
well my main question is :
is the syntax highlighting really that cpu intense with beaver and scite that it keeps a 200 mhz cpu 100% busy, or can i tune it somewhere ? also i would be thankfull for any php-syntax highlight editor for dsl that would work it doesnt need to be the two mentioned above.
thanks a lot
hi i found nedit in the mdsl area and installed a php language file. works just fine only 4% cpu while editing. perfect!  but i am still curious what was / is the problem of the others.