Group: Members
Posts: 6
Joined: Mar. 2005 |
Posted: Sep. 10 2005,23:58 |
I'd love to see a project like dsl but then focused on texttools instead of the quite clumsy gui dsl (no offence!) has.
grml is a great texttool focused live cd distro. They have nice scripts to setup mutt cfg file, etc. But it's quite big. dsl on the other hand is a very small distro but I don't like the gui.
I'd like a mix of both. Something like dsl with ion3 wm, muttng, elinks, ncftp, cplay, madplay, ctorrent, slrn, aterm, vim, xzgv, less (with script to view .doc, etc), giftcurs, mplayer, firefox maybe as backup.., irssi.
Anyone know of a distro in that direction?
I don't have a computer and not electricity where I live (I don't care to have it for now), but I've always loved to be on the internet and install+configure computers...
If I had a comp,electricity, and internet i'd probably try remastering dsl.
I find many ncurses based apps very user friendly and efficient. Muttng is a great example, my computernoobie girlfriend had no trouble using it. My mom prefers the simple interface over outlook express or anything too.
I think dsl went in the wrong direction making everything click and point. No, i did explain myself wrong. dsl always was in that direction and does a very good job at it. It's just that I feel it could be better for myself and others in a texttool, keyboard driven focused form. Not only do I think they are more usable but with a transparent aterm, a good looking background and a nice ion3 theme ut definatly looks good and robust. Not clumsy, no overlapping windows, ...
And the less viewer with script (to view html, doc, pdf, ...) is great. What if dsl used it and improved it to show ppt, xls and more too? 1 command to view multiple types of files is great for user friendlyness. I was thinking of having some scripts like "view" and "edit" which then automaticly find the needed real app to view or edit the file in question (using mailcap or mimetypes or whatever). Making the command line simple in use is, I think, easier then making a simple to use and resource efficient gui which looks good as well.
I use the numpad to navigate trough frames and apps. It's great.
I don't want this to sound like I found something new or that I have this superb desktop or anything ;). I just wanna see if there are some other texttool fanatics out here on the dsl forums