smart girl

Group: Members
Posts: 4
Joined: Mar. 2006 |
Posted: April 27 2006,23:32 |
hi all
I am trying to be much familier with pipes
I tried to write a c program that generates the following output
from child: I want to print this line twice
from parent: I want to print this line twice
what I get is
from child: I want to print this line twice
from parent: I I I I I I I
my code is
Code Sample | #include<stdio.h> #include<string.h>
int main(void){ int childpid,fd[2],nb,i,j; char line[BUFSIZ]="I want to print this line twice"; char word[BUFSIZ];
if(childpid==0) { printf("from child:\n");
char *token=strtok(line," ");
while(token!=NULL) { printf(" %s\n",token);
token=strtok(NULL," ");
else {
wait(NULL); printf("from parent:\n");
for( i=0;i<7;i++){ nb=read(fd[0],word,sizeof(word)); printf("%s\n",word);
return 0;
can any one tell me what's wronge with this code and how to correct it?