Index page translationForum: User Feedback Topic: Index page translation started by: John Posted by John on Jan. 11 2006,23:01
I would like to offer the index page of DSL in other languages. Could we have any volunteers?I am particularly interested in: German French Italian Spanish I'd also like an informational page in: Chinese Japanese Hindi Arabic Korean Posted by Grim on Jan. 11 2006,23:40
Hey John,Can't we use Babelfish as an intermediate translation until intrest in doing the translation gets ginned up? I know the babelfish translation leaves something to be desired, but I think there's a drop-in javascript you can add t the page that will offer expedient translations, temporarily. P.S. Thanks for your kind words on my impending fatherhood. I've always said it and I still maintain that you and Roberts are good guys. I'd offer to do the spanish translation, but the only things I remember is "where is the bathroom", "another pitcher of beer, please" and "how old is your daughter?" Posted by John on Jan. 12 2006,02:03
I am holding off on Babelfish as a backup plan. I know that machine translations tend to goof up on the meanings. I figure that something as esoteric as a small Linux distribution should have a human translation.I know we have regulars here who can read and write in German Italian, and Spanish, and I am pretty sure we have the other languages too. It sounds like your Spanish is about the same as mine. Re P.S... Two more small pieces of advice. Do some fun stuff with your wife before the baby is born, and try to get a lot of sleep in the last trimester. Posted by clivesay on Jan. 12 2006,03:04
John -Some people might be intimidated to rewrite the whole thing but maybe a babblefish translation as a start might be enough to inspire someone to take on doing corrections? Just a thought Chris Posted by struppi on Jan. 12 2006,03:34
Ok, here is a quick german Translation of the important parts of the index page. i didn't translate the "DSL Goodies!"-part because i don't think that many german users will order usb drives from the us (shipping prices are horrible!). if there are questions, just ask.
Posted by John on Jan. 12 2006,05:29
Thanks struppi!German CHECKED Posted by pr0f3550r on Jan. 12 2006,19:04
Italian index page is here:< La Potenza del Pinguino in 50 MB > Notes: 1)Google javascript must be somehow optimised, as you can't imagine european visitors clicking on "Donations for the victims of Hurricane Katrina" or similar <EDIT>: After a few hours some ad start appearing in Italian, so it self-updates or something</EDIT>. 2)I had to degunk a lot of tagsoup 3)Any Italian speakers that think the translation is not good are welcome to submit their own, I don't mind! Posted by struppi on Jan. 12 2006,19:19
"as you can't imagine european visitors clicking on "Donations for the victims of Hurricane Katrina"i made a donation for the hurricane victims! ![]() Posted by pr0f3550r on Jan. 12 2006,22:54
Don't get me wrong, they deserve donations, but the content wouldn't be appropriate for a Google ad frame.At the end of the day you want to make money from it, not carry a political message. Or not? Posted by John on Jan. 13 2006,05:37
struppi:>i don't think that many german users will order usb drives from the us Actually, we get our share of USB and CD orders from Germany, and an occasional hardware order. Posted by John on Jan. 13 2006,05:39
Thank you very much pr0f3550r! Italian CHECKED Posted by davide on Jan. 13 2006,09:05
I made some minor changes to the italian's here: < > will work on the spanish one too, though I'm not a native speaker (but I'm fluent enough) so that someone olse can correct it or modify it if needed. keep up the good work! ![]() Posted by pr0f3550r on Jan. 13 2006,10:49
Davide (and John), as per PM, your translation is way better.I leftItaly ages ago, so my Italian is rusty. Go for it! Posted by John on Jan. 13 2006,22:48
Thank you very much the two of you, and I'd be very grateful if you could do Spanish as well Davide.
Posted by davide on Jan. 18 2006,18:41
here is the spanish translation< > it's just a draft. some graphical accent is likely to be missing (it's a mess out there with spanish graphical accents :-) ) and it needs some checking..but hey it's there. Posted by Onyarian on Jan. 19 2006,07:54
Davide,I have corrected little thinks on your translation. Good job. Onyarian ----------------------------------------------------- DSL es una distribución linux de 50MB muy versátil y orientada a la estación de trabajo. DSL es lo suficientemente pequeña e inteligente como para: Arrancar como distribución live desde una business card (LiveCD) Arrancar desde un memoria USB Arrancar desde dentro de otro sistema operativo (es decir, puede funcionar *dentro* de Windows) Funciona muy bien desde una memoria Flash compacta IDE a través de un método que hemos llamado "frugal Install" Se convierte en un sistema operativo Debian al instalarla en el disco duro. Es tan ligera como para devolverle la vida a un Pc 486DX con 16Mb de Ram Funciona enteramente desde la RAM con tan solo 128MB (alucinarás al ver lo rápido que puede funcionar tu ordenador) Crece segun las necesidades -- DSL es altamente extensible sin necesidad de modificarla DSL se desarrolló, en origen, como un experimento para ver cuantos programas aplicativos para escritorio pudieran caber dentro un LiveCD de 50MB. En principio esto era algo así como un juego/herramienta personal. Pero al pasar del tiempo creció y se convirtió en un proyecto comunitario con cientos de horas de desarrollo, invertidas en detalles como un sistema de instalación de programas local y remoto completamente automatizado, un sistema de salvación y rescate de los datos personales muy versátil, y que se puede usar con todo tipo de soporte grabable, incluyendo discos duros, floppys o memorias USB. DSL tiene un escritorio casi completo además de muchos programas que funcionan desde la terminal. Todos los programas han sido escogidos con un balance entre funcionalidad, tamaño y velocidad. Damn Small también tiene la posibilidad de funcionar como un servidor SSH/FTP/HTTPD ya directamente desde el LiveCd. En nuestra tentativa, para ahorrar espacio y tener un escritorio plenamente funcional, hemos creado muchas herramientas de administración, tan rápidas como simples de usar. XMMS (lector MP3, CD de Música, y MPEG), cliente FTP, navegadores Dillo, Links y FireFox, hoja de cálculo, Sylpheed email, corrector ortográfico (inglés EE.UU), un programa de escritura (FLwriter), tres editores (Beaver, Vim, and Nano [Pico clone]), un cliente para gráfica y visualización de imagenes (Xpaint, y xzgv), Xpdf (visualizador de PDF), emelFM (gestión de archivos), Naim (AIM, ICQ, IRC), VNCviewer, Rdesktop, SSH/SCP servidor y cliente, cliente DHCP, PPP, PPPoE (ADSL), un servidor web, calculadora, soporte para impresoras genéricas y GhostScript, NFS, entorno gráfico Fluxbox, juegos, programas de monitoraje del sistema, un montón de herramientas desde consola, soporte USB y pcmcia, y un limitado soporte para redes inálambricas (wireless). ¿Curioso de saber quiénes somos? vé a la pagina de los que contribuyen al proyecto. Versión actual 2.1b, pantallazos: 1 2 Viejos pantallazos (por favor vé al forum de usuarios para preguntas técnicas) Objetos DSL Para mantener vivo y financiado este proyecto vendemos mercancías que creemos que le pueden gustar a los geek. Uds. pueden ayudarnos comprando un Cd de DSL, los vendemos de tamaño grande y mini. Otra manera fantástica de apoyar nuestro proyecto es comprar DSL dentro de una memoria USB que es capaz de funcionar dentro de Windows. ¿Éres un geek maniático de los gadgets? agarra esto: Mini-ITX y almacen de pequeños ordenadores. también no te pierdas el Damn Small Machine. ----------------------------------------------------- Posted by davide on Jan. 19 2006,09:59
well done and thank you very much Onyarian.![]() BTW do you think "ordenador" is a better or more common word for Computer than "computadora"? Posted by Onyarian on Jan. 19 2006,14:01
Yes,is more commonly used, like PC. I edit it. regards, Onyarian Posted by GuillaumeH on Jan. 21 2006,13:44
Here is the French version :
By the way, isn't it time to update the paragraph that describe the applications ? Posted by freeze on Jan. 25 2006,10:15
Hi all, I want to offer a little help on the german part. Do I have to read the whole Post to be up to date? Is there still something I can do? Would be a pleasure to support DSL in such a way...
Posted by davide on Jan. 27 2006,12:59
struppi did the german version. you can find it in the first page of this post:-) Posted by GuillaumeH on Jan. 28 2006,14:39
John> Is my French translation OK, or do you need an HTML page ?
Posted by Guardian on Jan. 29 2006,10:14
Hi guys, I just wanted to offer to help with spanish translation, I´m a native speaker and have already a bit of experience translating documents from english into spanish.
Posted by Onyarian on Jan. 30 2006,07:54
Guardian,Echa un ojo a la traducción que está en la página anterior de este 'topic' y añade los comentarios que creas oportunos, serán bienvenidos. Saludos. Onyarian Posted by John on Jan. 30 2006,08:45
GuillaumeH, thank you for your translation! I think that posting here is fine. Let me know if I mess up in the HTML conversion.Onyarian, thank you for the Spanish revision too! Freeze, the German translation I have up there now is mostly taken from the first German post in this thread. I also had to use babelfish to fill in the blanks. If there is anything you think should be corrected please let me know. German URL: < > Thanks guys! Posted by freeze on Jan. 31 2006,11:07
John, there are a few things wich i would change. struppi did good work on that but I can see a problem in converting the German "ß" (its a more sharp pronounciation of "s") into html from a en-keymap. So the solution would be to use diffrent words to discribe what ever.Further there is the Problem of "ä,ö,ü" the "umlaute" with dotts. For those u can use "ae = ä", "oe = ö" and "ue = ü". Last thing is who do you want to address? I would guess People who read that Page want some Information first. So I would think they are new to DSL or even Live CD's. Anyone else just grabs the DSL-Image and boots it to see what they get I would think. So there I would make a few changes to. All in great respect to "struppi" who did a great job. I will work a little on the txt and post it. If you could use a diffrent format just tell me and I will mail it to you... would be a plesure ![]() Posted by MakodFilu on Jan. 31 2006,21:22
I have just seen this is already translated and have more than enough volunteers for it. As I have already finished it and is not a literal translation, I think it could be worth posting anyway:
Posted by MakodFilu on Jan. 31 2006,21:36
If I remember right, coding in html you must adhere to the following substitution ¿rules?
All you should need and more, here: < > Posted by freeze on Feb. 01 2006,19:57
Hi, this would be a version in German. I don't know how you can manage with the "umlaute" but perhaps the post from MakodFilu can help. I've got the jpg altered aswell. And I could send it to you in form of a html and jpg file...However... Happy to do my Part...
![]() Posted by dreamcarrior on Feb. 06 2006,01:09
I got the traditional Chinese and simplified Chinese checked.I put them here: Traditional Chinese < > Simplified Chinese < > If anyone has questions or concern about the translation, please let me know. I intend to put them over the < http://damnsmalllinux/index_tw.html > and index_cn.html page since I am not sure how long I will maintain the website. Good work guys! Posted by Fiazle on Feb. 10 2006,16:11
hey John, Here is a Simplified Chinese version. I delete the translation, seems that the board can't display chinese well. <hr/> I'll send you a .htm format(encoding in GB2312) via email, hope it helps. Posted by kavin on Feb. 11 2006,15:16
you can put a link here! Posted by freeze on Feb. 13 2006,09:00
I've got the German translation in "html" aswell. Maybe John or another Administrator can temporarily set a e-mail adress where we can send the html files to. (just want to get rid of the code) ![]() Posted by NobleHead on Feb. 15 2006,05:23
I just wanted to comment on what I have done just as an experiment. I am now sitting in my office listening to classical music from four computers. I'm making this post from one of those computers now. One computer is a year 2000 IBM desktop p-II 256mb ram, one is an HP Pavilion 6330 300mhz 256mb ram and the third is a litle mixed up dinosaur that I'm on right now with pII (Klamath) series 256mb ram, I prefer AMD but I just had to drag these old clunkers in and see what I could do with them. The cool thing about it all is that they are running Damn Small Linux on a network and they have all been running for a day now playing high band width music no lagging and unless we have a power failure I don't expect to see them go down due to OS problems.. I have been watching the progress of this /distro for a couple of years now and so far DSL 2.2 is just one more step in the right direction. It is so cool, runs from cdrom or installs slick as greased lightning. The IBM needed a boot disk to get it started but after that just like every other computer it found all of the hardware logged onto the network and XMMS has been piping in the music of the golden age. Oh yeah the router is a Lonksys 802.11b and the broadband cable modem is a Terayon TJ615. I tell everyone that will listen about Damn Small Linux and encourage them to give it a try, and yes I also encourage them to make a donation. Who am I? Just a linux newby who might be considered a mugwump when it comes to operating systems and I love the lionhearted effort that goes into the production of this little piece of dynomite called Damn Small Linux.
Posted by freeze on Feb. 15 2006,19:50
![]() Posted by GuillaumeH on Feb. 22 2006,10:25
I don't want to be nag, but why aren't the translations online?
Posted by freeze on Feb. 24 2006,08:00
Its a trap, its a trap... run for your life...
Posted by John on Mar. 13 2006,02:43
I have the Spanish, German, and Italian pages up so far:< > < > < > I'll be getting the Chinese and French pages up soon. It is definitely a lot easier when I have an actual HTML page to work with. Strange things happen when cutting and pasting international characters. I think I fixed most of the rendering problems with the German page. The server was sending out UTF-8 encoding in the header info, but I switched that to charset=ISO-8859-1 which seemed to make the difference. Thanks everybody. Posted by freeze on Mar. 20 2006,22:44
To John try these:< de_index.html > < de_index_with_ae.html > there are both the one with and the one without dots (ae for example stands for ä). but you definetly have to change them. (it hurts the eye, trust me) and please make it quick cause its not "really" official... ![]() oh, and i took the freedom to change the jpg above aswell. and trust me that way its really cool... ![]() Posted by kuky on Mar. 20 2006,22:51
1) how can help to translate the wiki to spanish...?1) ¿Como podemos ayudar a traducir el wiki al español? 2) And the apps in to spanish ver..? 2) ¿ y los programas en español ..? Posted by freeze on Mar. 20 2006,23:04
you mean like this: < spanish > ? I think if you find probs in the translation just try to point them out. other thing is if you really want to do some translation work... Posted by kuky on Mar. 21 2006,16:23
.....other thing some translation work.... thanks Posted by GuillaumeH on April 01 2006,11:55
Here is the French html version : < >
Posted by RomZes on April 09 2006,03:16
What about Russian?
Posted by alligator on April 24 2006,01:16
The same question"What about Russian?" =) I guess I can translate it even with some russian computer slang...with RomZes or we could translate all the pages... =] Sergey. Posted by RomZes on April 24 2006,04:18
let's translate it, commrade Sergey ![]() Posted by ThiagoCP on May 02 2006,00:22
Hi guys, i've translated the DSL page to Brazilian Portuguese(although it should work fine to both, Brazilians and Portuguese)...Well, enough with the talk, this is it:
Posted by beambot on May 11 2006,09:28
hi,i like to help. i am from germany. have some knowledge in C and HTML. i am using now linux for 4 years ... that's enought to know where the logfiles are to find. are you not also thing the index_de.htm need a fresh code? ![]() simply email if you have something to do for me!? beambot Posted by doobit on May 22 2006,20:48
Oi Thiago! bom trabalho! Talvez voce pode traduzir o pagina "Getting Started" tambem? Muito obrigado! Daniel Posted by newby on July 02 2006,18:17
May I suggest Japanese and Chinese in Romanzhe, rathenr than idograms? |