Desktop Screenshot of DSL :)Forum: User Feedback Topic: Desktop Screenshot of DSL :) started by: wiak Posted by wiak on Oct. 09 2003,19:50
My laptop DSL Desktop ![]() ![]() lite bit old but :P am using shade style now. That on the shot is Nyz ![]() Posted by davide on Oct. 10 2003,08:47
nice and clean!
Posted by wiak on Oct. 11 2003,00:36
nobody else ? no body wanna take a screenshot of there screen? ![]() Posted by alien2k on Oct. 12 2003,04:11
My desktop:(what? we're not allowed to use png?!) Or if that doesn't show up look < here >. It's 0.4.5 hd-installed into a partition of about 400MB. I modified the startup scripts somewhat so it was easier for me to make things such as enhance and the dockapps run as damnsmall instead of root when X starts. I've probably done it in a totally bad way but it works for me! I apt-getted some stuff like the dockapps and some other stuff which I can't quite remember right now (mainly to do with the fact that it's nearly 5am over here!). Have got about 110MB free, but should be getting an 80gig drive soon and plan to give DSL about 4 gigs. I have to say to John that it was a bloody good idea to base your distro on a distro based on a distro based on debian! Means I can apt-get just about anything. Have come across a few packages that want to do something with libc and such, but have been too scared of messing up my system to go through with it! Night all, Sam Posted by klassik on Oct. 22 2003,21:02
Heres my SS of DSL. Its being hosted on my DSL monkey Webserver too ![]() The box is a 66Mhz Intel with 56MB of ram. DSL runs nice and smooth on it too. ![]() Posted by capslock on Oct. 24 2003,15:40
Here is DSL running a counterstrike server with nmap.![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() Posted by ke4nt1 on Oct. 24 2003,15:43
Hey Allen2k!Where did you find those audio dock apps! What are they named? Posted by alien2k on Oct. 31 2003,05:06
The xmms remote is wmusic, and the mixer control is wmixer, both apt-got. The vis plugin is xmms-msa, also installed with apt-get install.Sam Posted by ke4nt1 on Oct. 31 2003,15:49
Thanks for the info...Just what I was looking for...Especially the mixer!
Posted by randy on Nov. 05 2003,00:13
very cool 'capslock'. I was thinking about running a c&c generals server with my dsl 4.10 and p3 @ 1.5 with 512 ram. Any comments/Suggestions?
Posted by ke4nt1 on May 03 2004,04:03
Here's a screen dump of loads of apt-get stuff just for fun....My linux newbie neighbor" wow!, everything is so fast! How did you make your windows look like that? " "It's NOT windows....... this is linux... Damnsmalllinux... "What's small about it? " ..handing over a 50mb cdr.. " this.. just boot it up... " .........jawdropped : >> .. Stay Tuned............. < Screenshot > 73 ke4nt Posted by remo on May 14 2004,21:14
So many interesting and nice screenshots!!! I have recently done a hd-install of dsl myself, and here is a screenshot of the result (have installed: abiword, openoffice, gaim, xfig, gimp and a couple of other apps):< Screenshot > -r Posted by Grim on May 16 2004,08:03
Uningbelieveable!I stuck the GNUtils, abiword and da Gimp on the CD... DSL already blew everything else out of the water, this is just unbelievable. < Obligatory Screenshot > Posted by Denise on May 17 2004,04:38
DSL just seems to get better, in most respects. However, I am having two problems with the hard disk install: The sndconfig throws up a segmentation fault message (previously mentioned in another post) and the keyboard reverts to a German layout, no matter how many times I change it (I've also tried fiddling with the config file, but that doesn't work either). I didn't have the keyboard problem with 0.6.3...Denise Posted by PhrozenFear on May 19 2004,05:59
Now, pardon a dumb n00b question, but how does one get & save a SS to share ?73, >>PhrozenFear / VE6MSP. By the way, if you're wondering where my other post is, about the vmweather app, I found it. Posted by Nanobot on May 20 2004,16:39
Heres a screenshoot of DSL running icewm thx to Henriques DSL extension... < click >
Posted by cbagger01 on May 21 2004,03:34
Nanobot,How did you get Opera 6.12 to work under DSL version 0.7? It did not display fonts correctly in DSL version 0.6.x Posted by Nanobot on May 21 2004,06:39
I dont really know whether it has to do with the 0.7 version of DSL, the GNU utils extension or the fact that opera now comes in .debs. But the static .deb installs without any problems. I am < told > that this goes for opera 7.5 as well.
Posted by libretto on June 10 2004,13:57
PhrozenFear in answer to taking a screenshot, a solution which worked for me is to use The Gimp. Go to the file menu -> accquire and use the menu it'll even give you an option for a small delay (so you get the desktop setup as you want)!Heres a test screen of my desktop ![]() Although for some reason it doesnt like screen grabbing when mplayer is loaded, something about a xwd file ![]() Posted by ke4nt1 on Sep. 06 2004,08:24
Here's my old decrepid, beatup, scratchedup, dropped, 233MMX laptop..Maxed out with a whopping 96MB ram.. 1024x768x32bit Still kickin ! ![]() 73 ke4nt Posted by davide on Sep. 06 2004,09:59
wow. That's not bad for such an old laptop!! ![]() (BTW: clapton rules!) ![]() Posted by ripcrd6 on Sep. 07 2004,17:21
I've tried to capture with Xpaint and I almost have it, but could someone post the steps. If you just use keystrokes to do it, post those.When I capture the whole screen, I'm unable to get to the button that allows you to save, but if I capture a small screen area, I can see the button at the top of the Xpaint window that has the screenshot in the buffer. Posted by ke4nt1 on Sep. 07 2004,18:29
You can use either the crtl+ leftmouse ( or is it alt ? ) drag to move the window to where you can get to it.. or.. I trim the left side in a little bit when setting the boundaries of my "to be" screenshot, to where I can JUST get my mouse on the bbpager in the lower left corner. When you click-drag on box 1 of the pager , your actualy clicking-dragging on the capture window.. move it down till you see the menu options for saving.. 73 ke4nt Posted by ripcrd6 on Sep. 08 2004,14:23
Cool. I wanted to show you a screenshot of all my .dsl apps in the menu. I have everything except the ham radio stuff and the latex stuff. My nephews and my son played games on it over the weekend. They begged me to burn a copy for them to play at home. My brother played xmahjongg for a couple of hours.
Posted by ke4nt1 on Sep. 08 2004,15:52
The "barrage" game has become a company fav here..73 ke4nt Posted by AwPhuch on Sep. 08 2004,18:45
Well were are the Screenies?!?!??! Brian AwPhuch Posted by ke4nt1 on Sep. 15 2004,12:34
Here another one ...Playing around with the dockapps, fonts, and fluxbox099dev. This one's actually fairly useful... < Screenshot > 73 ke4nt Posted by henk1955 on Sep. 15 2004,13:58
You have a LARGE "install Optional Extensions"!have you ever thought of an extenstion like: < Multiple storage ... > to keep them organized? i just could not resist. |