
Forum: User Feedback
Topic: Flonix
started by: Ivo

Posted by Ivo on Mar. 21 2004,07:54
its currently in my download queue, but everyone out there tells me its great, but i havent tried it yet.
ill post a review on our LUG site when i do.
if you want to try it too, go to
Code Sample

pick any mirriors, nearly all of them work. its 60MB, so i dont know if it will fit on those minicard cds, but im sure it will do fine on mini-cds (193MB free space )

Posted by len on Mar. 28 2004,03:49
running flonix right now, and it is quite pretty, esp w/ the flowers pic, and icons. the system did lock when i selected multimedia-> media center. the boot process only had a screen resolution choice, and the other stuff was auto detected. currently running a DC project, which at present means it's in ram disk. an alternate is to run the DC project out of a directory on a physical storage device so data can be saved.
Posted by paul27 on Mar. 28 2004,15:32
I think you should also try LuitLinux
< http://luitlinux.sarovar.org >

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