back from the graveForum: User Feedback Topic: back from the grave started by: underdog5004 Posted by underdog5004 on Mar. 06 2006,01:02
So, I yanked out my dad's way old 133Mhz (oc'ed to 233Mhz) pentium 1 motherboard and started playing with it. It wouldn't load windows (even 98), so I popped a dsl 2 livecd in, and voila, life! Seriously though, I am so amazed that the damn thing actually runs with 32Mb of RAM. Also, I installed to a 116 MEGABYTE harddrive that I yanked from an old X11 now I've got roughly 70Mb of free space. Just think, I could put one whole cd (in mp3/ogg format) on the hard drive. Anyways, just wanted to know what the slowest processor speed that dsl has successfully installed on... Posted by cbagger01 on Mar. 06 2006,03:17
I would have to guess that since DSL version 0.6 and newer now require a CPU that has a builtin floating point processor (486DX or higher) the minimum usable machine would be a486DX 25Mhz CPU with 16MB of RAM For DSL version or older, you could even run DSL on a 486SX machine, as documented here: < > Posted by Taino on Mar. 06 2006,12:21
Im running dsl on an old toshiba laptop with a p75 (pentium 75) mhz processor, and 24mb ram, it runs fine, only firefox is a pain because its a memory and resource hog, so instead i use dillo for everything (nice and fast) and what i cant do with dillo i can usually do with opera, Opera runs a bit slow too but way better than firefox did and Opera lets me access sites with stricter browser requirements when needed. I'd say i surf 95% dillo, 5% opera <-- when needed for stricter sites. But hey it works for me ![]() ![]() |