what's up?Forum: User Feedback Topic: what's up? started by: davide Posted by davide on Dec. 01 2003,22:00
what's up? no more posts?threads are getting fewer and fewer everyday... what happens to the dsl community? Posted by betaluva on Dec. 02 2003,03:31
you have to remember a lot of people see the word linux and go no way,to hard, i think the site needs more publicity and more screenshots.
Posted by John on Dec. 02 2003,04:20
I think a big chunk of it is that the releases have slowed down. Also, I am not putting in the time here that I should. Side note, 5.1 is nearly ready. Posted by ovitz on Dec. 02 2003,05:40
Sweet! I can't wait!!!!! Posted by betaluva on Dec. 03 2003,00:12
anything new in 5.1 ?
Posted by John on Dec. 03 2003,03:57
Yeah, but you have to wait a few days to hear about it. We're working out a few last things.
Posted by betaluva on Dec. 03 2003,08:02
no probleemo
Posted by ImNotHere on Dec. 05 2003,07:45
I think a general style forum subsection thingy would improve the community, it just gets people coming back to talk and unrelated stuff.
Posted by renegade on Aug. 20 2004,19:26
maybe its also cos u cant register?!ive registered and recieved no confirmation email, and tried to log in but it says my username doesnt exist? i also tried to get my password for an old account sent to me but recieved no email? im pretty sure im not the only one to suffer from this so wats goin on?! i need to ask DSL questions! ![]() Posted by l0st on Aug. 21 2004,11:20
Bingo We need really pretty ones, preferably showing how productive this distro is, and emphasizing its speed and size advantages. A commentary or some sort of guide would be excellent for point and click people. Posted by John on Aug. 22 2004,06:08
If one if the DSL users wants to put something like that together I'll put it up.
Posted by gui on Aug. 22 2004,12:53
mmmm perhaps we are waiting for 0.74 .... Posted by DonttPanic on Aug. 22 2004,18:55
or 0.8 Posted by mikshaw on Aug. 22 2004,21:07
Fluxbox has a link to "propaganda"...icons and other miscellaneous flux-related graphics. Slackware has a page of user-contributed images. I think both of these were a good idea...something unnecessary, but a bonus for the community, and a way to spread the word. The T-shirt thread is also something to think about...not necessarily the products themselves, but downloadable, printable graphics which people might use for a number of things. |