No Input Blues

Forum: User Feedback
Topic: No Input Blues
started by: abalter

Posted by abalter on Mar. 14 2006,15:30
In the "Laptop" section there are many posts from users with this issue.  I have tried some tricks like keyboard control and dropping down to a command prompt with no luck.  I somehow did get down to a command prompt, but I could  not get any keyboard response.  

Also, I noticed that during boot dsl did see a mouse (generic).  I don't know if that was the TP or the USB mouse.  Perhaps more importantly, it MISREAD MY PROCESSOR.  DSL thinks I have a Pentium II!  Does this mean that DSL doesn't recognize Pentium M processors?

Reminder: I'm a donor!

Posted by cbagger01 on Mar. 15 2006,04:41
You are using DSL embedded.

DSL embedded is actually running inside a virtual computer that is created by the software program called QEMU

< >

This emulated computer system has a fake (simulated) Pentium II CPU, which is why you see that message.

FYI, you can exit the QEMU window by pressing


to re-enter the window, simply click on an object inside the QEMU window.

Also, you can go fullscreen and back with:


But keep in mind that your host operating system (Microsoft Windows) keyboard commands are still in effect, so if you press combinations like


you will be jumped back into MSWindows and it will mess up the QEMU keyboard state.

To fix this, re-enter QEMU again and then press and release each individual key that was pressed, ie:

NOT at the same time.  One at a time.

and you will be back in business.

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