Damn Small Machine, part IIForum: User Feedback Topic: Damn Small Machine, part II started by: whitley Posted by whitley on Mar. 17 2006,00:58
I've had my Damn Small Machine for a few months now, and I'd like to give another plug for it, as I am really enjoying it. I originally wanted this computer for my music room (because it's silent), but I ended up putting it back in the office as my computer of choice. I finally managed to bog it down, but it took a bit of doing - Limewire going full blast, music, and multiple Firefox tabs open. It does most of what I need, silently and efficiently. I've put a Sub300 computer w/ the Agnula distribution back in the music room. At the moment, I've got PCLinuxOS on my "big" office computer, although I use the DSL CD about half the time, and mainly use it for file storage and CD burning. My thanks for both a great distributon and a great computer.