I use DSL in a computer class on the universityForum: User Feedback Topic: I use DSL in a computer class on the university started by: cybered77 Posted by cybered77 on June 01 2004,03:36
![]() Hello: last week I help 3 friends (very nice girls by the way) with an exposition of one of their computer classes in the university (CESUES -Centro de Estudios Superiores del Estado de Sonora, plantel San Luis Rio Colorado, sonora, mexico) They want to expose something different, something that helps to be more productive, more efficient, and of course something different, when they askme for help i immediatly say DAMN SMALL LINUX!!!! ![]() ok, we prepare all the material for the exposition, we prepare a diskless PC, then we plug a LCD projector, we boot DSL and the exposition starts.. when we told that the PC was working without HD, and only with a bootable cd and RAM everybody say "wahhoooo!!" our exposition was a the best of the "week of technology" some people ask for CD's of DSL, we give a few to the classmates and we also give them a little manual on how to use it (of course we translate it to spanish) well with this post I just like to thank to the creator and contribuitors of DSL, the best Tiny Linux based distribution in the world!! i like also ask for permision to the DSL creator to make a SPANISH VERSION of this webpage, or at last make a similar webpage, but of course about this marvelous, wonderful and amazing Linus based distribution: DAMN SMALL LINUX. I hope more people do expositions or promote this wonderful distribution, some of us don;t know how to make programs, but i think we can help with publicity for DSL. thanks, and my feedback for DSL is : Damn Small Linux= AMAZING, MARVELLOUS, THE BEST! thanks Eduardo Bermudez San Luis Rio Colorado Sonora, Mexico May/31/2004 Posted by THEBINARYMAN on June 01 2004,13:15
Dude!! That's great!!I am promoting Damn Small Linux as a weapon Against the Digital Divide myself. Maybe in the future I will even start my own spin-off of it. But for now, I content myself with alot of heavy promoting and the odd suggestion while plinking away at scripts so I may learn to do it myself! Oh...and you wouldn't happen to have a copy of this manual? Perhaps it could serve as a template for the DSL documentation? TBM |