European keyboard's layout problem?

Forum: User Feedback
Topic: European keyboard's layout problem?
started by: ZoOp

Posted by ZoOp on April 06 2006,08:11
Hi dears,

I find the last dsl release wonderful, thank you so much for your hard work.

After a first check, I always have problems with my european keyboard in a specific situation.

Situation: I have one laptop (vaio 256 mb ram, 1,3 ghz) and I use xvnc in order to access another machine in the network. Using either de, or de latin + nodekeys, or fr, or fr ch latin, strg+caps doesn't work, i.e. I can't select several items, docs, etc. together.

Question: Is it a keyboard/layout problem, or is it a problem related to xvnc? For example, when I use the standard german version of knoppix and krdc with either de, de latin + nodekeys, fr, fr ch latin, I don't have this problem. I can use strg+caps and I can select several datas together on my other machine without any problems.

Does anybody know how I can solve this? Thanks a lot for your help.

Posted by anaconda on April 06 2006,10:18
Some programs need keyboard layout setting in their own config file..

It would be much more easy if all programs would use X:s keyboard configuration, but no...

Posted by ZoOp on April 06 2006,11:06
thanks a lot for your post, anaconda.
I think, I got the solution of that problem; look also there for more <>

I am using a vaio (pcg-fx802), and it seems to be a typical vnc problem. But as tested today, it doesn't seem to be a problem only with a vaio; the same problem appears with other computers (such as an averatec, and also a samsung tested today, both quiet new machines).

To put it short, it seems that the vnc viewer and other derivated vnc viewers (xvnc too) simply don't recognize and don't send any keys (such as f.ex. strg, caps, A, ....) to the machine which you would like to control.

So my next question: Is there another kind of viewer (such as krdc f.ex.) which I could use with dsl in order to manipulate datas on my other computer in the network as described above?

Thanks a lot for helping me!

Posted by ZoOp on April 06 2006,19:36
Update: as posted in the 'Apps' help rubric
< 'help with Apps' >
of the forum, there is one programme to do it: use rdesktop in dsl and install another rdesktop on the machine which you want to reach (some linux distro or windows have one), and you are good to go.

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