a last wordForum: User Feedback Topic: a last word started by: lovdsl Posted by lovdsl on April 07 2006,06:22
Well I messed up another hd install playing around... I'm takeing a much needed break. it was fun while it lasted.
Posted by safesys on April 07 2006,09:17
Thats the thing - dsl is one of the more robust operating systems when you use a frugal install, dsl packages to supplement it and the very flexible backup/restore system as you can always have a core working os with massive levels of backtracking if you retain old backups.
Posted by doobit on April 07 2006,14:32
I just uninstalled and reinstalled several times to a pendrive last night so I could test different configurations. It took a few minutes each time using the USB 2.0 ports on my new motherboard. DSL still exists. It's not my only distro, but it's the one I use the most and have the most fun with.
Posted by humpty on April 09 2006,05:05
seeya. hope to see you back. (with frugal ofcourse!)
Posted by lovdsl on April 11 2006,11:49
Dsl is one of the coolest gifts I have ever received. Someone gave it to me after I mentioned in passing that windows was the most expensive thing I had ever borrowed. knowing nothing about linux really, it took a few weeks to get a grip. Thank heaven for the forum. Dsl seems amazingly versatile, one aspect of this being the ability to install to hd on older machines..It is not recommended for what are now obvious reasons, but dispite this, after a short break, I have reinstalled to hd and am very happy with what I have been able to get this old box to do. and think it will do more should I have the sence to use a test box for future apt-get additions. The frugal install and control of additions is for another box. This is my hd install of dsl to an antique slated for the trash..rejuvinated to functionality, and I am proud of it.
Posted by lovdsl on April 22 2006,05:13
Lastly..as much as I would like to help I'm a noob and ....welll...I got nothin THANKS AGAIN TO THE FORUM THANKS FOR DSL BYE Posted by green on April 22 2006,06:09
Enjoy Windows!!![]() Posted by lovdsl on April 22 2006,06:40
since I'm still here readingnothin means I am little help in the forum..and not posting further you were not interested in my faq's list what are you going to do...shut all my dsl boxs down? ok..I'll delete the link and not read Posted by green on April 22 2006,06:45
LoL. I was commenting in jest.I you read the forums and the DSL Wiki, you will see that I am interested in the FAQ list, and if you look at it you will notice that some things in it have been updated. However, it takes time to do so. I apologize if you were offended by my windows comment. It was not intentional. Posted by lovdsl on April 23 2006,03:45
I was offended by the windows comment I was offended that as the first to post a long list of frequently ask questions and answers at your request, that I was ignored for a spammer, or if that was not the intent, ignored with no thanks for the first to help and a different location to post or send further assistance. I was offended by mikshaws comment that my responses to posters when attempting to help was like talking to someone on crack..or coke..what ever posters need straight answers I admitt I am a noob ( as they say ) so I said good bye.it is best...if you want help, take it when it comes.. I see you have ask again and someone perhaps more to your likeing has offered the questions without the answers ok enough..to avoid the nasty habit of logging in I will delete my dial up from the machine. bye from the over enthusiastic lovdsl Posted by green on April 23 2006,04:41
Dude, get a grip. No one is dogging on you. You have been very active in the forums and it is nice to see.You were not "ignored for a spammer." I read so many posts per day in the forums and get PM's and have todo lists, that some times certain posts go unanswered. I also have a day job and a family to take care of. Again, I am sorry if I've done anythying to offend you, that is not my intent. I think the real issue here is that the "tone of voice" you are "hearing" in some of these posts may not be what is intended. Try not to read too much into it or guess what people are thinking. Most folks around here are good at speaking their minds, but at the same time, are usually willing to help others as long as they understand what the question or goal is. Sometimes that gets a bit muddled and takes some figuring out. I hate to see you not participate in the forums or leave DSL because your feelings are hurt. However, it IS your decision. Don't blame it on DSL, it's a great distro no matter what you think of me. Posted by lovdsl on April 23 2006,06:16
hahaha...stop diggin a hole..a simple OOPS would have been funnier...carryon
Posted by clivesay on April 23 2006,11:35
"It's not easy bein' green" - Kermit The Frog ![]() Posted by lovdsl on April 23 2006,13:11
Not that it was any helpNewbie questions about 2.2 hd install answered, many thanks: Read the help file. it is available in cpanel Read the wike-link on home page Or search the forum Q:How do I turn on dma, I have a grub install on hd? A: From the menu/apps/tools/emelfm choose- emelfm as super user. From the right list choose- boot/grub/menu1st click menu1st, right click and open, click- view file, see titledsl in the list- see no dma in its string- backspace "no" save file . exit . reboot Q: How do I see whats on my floppy and cdrom A: Go to emelfm and look in the right list for crom or floppy. left click to highlite then right click for menu and left click mount. you should see the content. Q: How do I get dillo to stop poping up at boot and showing the getting started page? A: Fix dillo patched - menu/apps/tools/ emelfm/ emelfm as superuser - click "H" shows hidden files Find and right click open -xinitrc - see dillo add "#" in front (#dillo.....) . save. the"#" stops dillo at boot. Goto home/dsl/fluxbox/menu, scroll down see (dillo patched) ( blablabla) replace with (dillo)(/usr/local/bin/dillo) . save. Goto dillo desktop icon and click properties change command to just- command: dillo this will restore dillo to normal. Q: How do I turn off the desktop stats and the boxs at the bottom left of the screen? A: To turn off desktop stats and workspace boxs goto home/dsl/xinitrc and "#" torsmo and/or fluxter . save . restartx, remove the # to restore. Q: How can I quickly resize a window, I can not see the top? A: Push alt+ left or right mouse buttons to move and resize windows. alt+left to move, alt+right to resize Q: Is there a file splitter for dsl? A: Split and cat - file split and rejoin for floppy storage. in fm type split or cat --help for info. click the directory the files are in. ie: split -b 1380000 /home/dsl/eboard.dsl chess this should give chessaa, chessab, chessac. ie: cat chessaa chessab chessac > eboard.dsl Note: test join before storage. if the file size is not correct try refresh by exiting the directory and reopening.. Q:How do I create a desk top Icon for dialup? A: Click icon tool from menu/desktop . click add. choose icon from list and type name choice in icon label,type sudo /usr/sbin/pppdial in full path. click ok The path can be found by looking in the fluxbox menu Q; How do I save to the directory on another hd partition from dsl A: Open emelfm as superuser, right panel is home/dsl left panel- open /mnt, open your partition, click directory to link to. click syslink button In root@box$ type. chown dsl.staff /mnt/hd<b1>/<directory> where <b1> is the drive and partition number and< directory >is the name of the directory you wish to access from dsl. Q: How do I add my favorite wallpaper to the desk top? A: Add jpg wallpapers to home/dsl/fluxbox/backgrounds and change via desktop/ menu/ wallpaper Q: How do I replace icons with my favorite ones? A: Convert your favorite icons to .png or .gif and add to home/dsl/xtdesktop then choose them via icon properties by right clicking the icon or icontool if creating a new shortcut. Q: Does the thing in the bottom right hand corner have to be where it is? A: If you rightclick on the slit the menu allows autohide and movement to different locations on the screen. Q:How do I stop the screen from blacking out after 10 min? A: Add the following line to /home/dsl/xinitrc xset s off & this should be placed above the last lines Q: how do I increse the aterm font size? A: open emelfm, open xdefaults find aterm*font:fixed change fixed to one of 7x14/8x16/10x20. save Q: How do I uninstall an extension I do not like? A: dsl as a hd install does not offer uninstall..however if the program is static or not causeing issue- Go to emelfm as super, look in fluxbox/menu for the program/path..go to the destination and delete, then return to fluxbox menu and delete the program entry and save the file..this will remove the menu entry and file executed by clicking it. you may find other referances, carefully remove. if the program created problems reinstall dsl..hd install is not recomended partly for this reason. Posted by green on April 23 2006,13:24
lovdsl,With your permission, i will use part or all of your last post for DSL Wiki Information. Thank you for contributing to the DSL community, it is appreciated. Good job, by the way. Clive, No kidding. ![]() Posted by lovdsl on April 23 2006,15:25
Feel free to use what is usefull, I posted them for you.You may want to double check first, it was typed for my archive from memory. I do not expect to see them in the wiki they are related to the much hated hd install