seamonkey? seamonkey....Forum: User Feedback Topic: seamonkey? seamonkey.... started by: suaiden Posted by suaiden on April 19 2006,00:23
Anyone know what the old mozilla suite (aka seamonkey now) needs to run on DSL besides gtk2 and if not much else, how to run it, since it's not one of the mydsl choices yet? (hopes) I like Firefox, nvu and Tbird but I would prefer one small app, since I have one small computer ![]() Posted by doobit on April 19 2006,00:46
How old and slow is that computer? You might want to try the new DSL-N Alpha because it already has the new Mozilla suite.
Posted by suaiden on April 19 2006,02:12
Well, I am on a dialup first off, second, it's a presario 1681, 233MHz, 3GB hard drive.Since I am quite happy on my first full and connected day of using DSL 2, I would rather download the suite than download DSL again, which I was able to do at a friend's who had a high-speed connection in NY. Don't have access to that friend now. Posted by Fordie on April 20 2006,06:54
Honestly,with a low-spec machine like yours, I would stick to the resource-friendly apps currently present on your desktop. F Posted by John on April 20 2006,07:14
The Mozilla suite is actually based on GTK1.2. And here is the weird part, it feels more responsive than Firefox.It will run natively in DSL without any modifications. The only reason why it isn't in DSL proper is size -- 13.2M vs. 7M for Firefox. Anyway, no extension needed, just go download it: < > Posted by suaiden on April 23 2006,05:31
Eh, thanks, but too late methinks.I already got GTK, Nvu downloaded, and Sylpheed almost working along with deepestsender and flash in Firefox. I would just not feel right deleting all that stuff, akthough if I could do it nice and clean I would. But I do like that whole unified shell... so I may still do it, plus get the Blogger API mod that I can't work in Firefox. Hmm. |