I AM PLEASEDForum: User Feedback Topic: I AM PLEASED started by: ravindra Posted by ravindra on April 19 2006,13:09
I am extremely pleased with DSL, such speed, such capabilities and such beauty, in just 50 MB!!!!WOW!!!... this has to be the best OS i have ever used. I am removing XP right now and setting this as my primary OS. I never knew that my pc was so fast. This OS runs like as if it is on a 10GHz system!!!!.. Way to go guys!!!!! One thing i would like to ask is the screen refresh rate this. being low it kinda hurts the eyes, is there some way to change it??? DSL is the BEST Posted by NewDude on April 19 2006,16:08
ravindra, You are 100% right!! It is the best OS, John and Robert know their stuff. They have created something that is just completely awesome. They should get awards from the computer industry for what they have done. Yeah, trash XP, DSL is way better. Posted by AwPhuch on April 19 2006,23:17
dont just blow out XP just yet...I suggest doing a dual boot b4 completely removing XP Brian AwPhuch Posted by muskrat on April 20 2006,04:11
It never fails there allways has to be a windoze defender around. Go ahead and wipe XP as fast as you can. And celabrate windoze independence. I aggree DSL is a great distro. It is the only OS that has been able to run the sound on my HP pavilion Laptop. Even the factory install of Win 98 was unable to do so. I've run atleast 25 different linux distros on that laptop and DSL is the only one that did the sound stright out of the box. Posted by green on April 20 2006,04:30
I believe AwPhuch is 100% Pro-Linux. I think he is speaking wisely from experience. Until your know the in's and out's of a new distro intimately, it is good to have your old, familiar one around "just in case" something happens. Even if that old familiar one is inferior.
Posted by AwPhuch on April 20 2006,06:08
Hahahah...Dude muskrat..do you even pay attention before you try to flame?? I have 103 times the posts you have...plus not to mention I have been using DSL since the 0.5~ phase...I have had lunch with ke4nt1 on a few occasions... Trust me...Im no M$ supporter..I'd rather see it burned to the ground, but unfortunately telling someone to just jump ship before they become comfortable in a new OS is just inviting a new user to the Revolution to only get frustrated and angry and then go back to thier older OS and never look back! We dont want that...we want new users to grow slowly and learn just as you and countless others have (including me!) P.S. I have also come to the conclusion that no matter what I do to my linux distros, no matter how hard I tweak, wine or cedega games just dont run as good as on the OS they were designed for...thus I keep a very minimal version of XP (do a google for TinyXP) on my machine (dual booted) so I can play my games with ultra high resolution/framerate...only to reboot back into my linux distro for EVERYTHING else! Please dont patronise me and try to paint me as a lover of Billy Boy or his distro...allbeit if it wasnt for M$ the world of PC computing would still be in the stoneages...I just want to smack him in the face with a pie once or twice for all the blue screens however! Brian AwPhuch Posted by clivesay on April 20 2006,12:11
AwPhuch is Linux right down to his Smoothwall firewall/router. Let's not rush to judgement here. ![]() I agree that I would try out a distro for awhile before I wiped my machine unless I was completely comfortable with a PC and re-installing an OS was simple for me. If he's comfortable with that then I say wipe away! If he's not comfortable, I would suggest just trying out different distros as live cd's before I started wiping OS's and modifying partitions. ravindra - The only way to get past the refresh rate is to install the xfree86.dsl and setup a xf86config-4 file for your video card. Take a look at it and let us know if you have any questions. Chris Posted by torp on April 20 2006,13:07
my spousal unit would have me killed in the dark of the night if i wiped winblows off of her system. so i got mine and she gots hers, the sad thing it is me who gets stuck fixing her system at its semi-annual fold-up, crash and burn. ha! but i got her this time, i saved her data files with knoppix....linux to the rescue!torp Posted by ravindra on April 20 2006,13:32
About removing windows Xp ![]() ![]() As for Xfree86, i used it and it worked perfect but just one thing, whenever i reboot DSL, it never backs up the XFree86 settings and i have to go through the whole 'procedure' again, not that its hard but i would rather have it restore it itself. Is there anyway out of it?? Also i got the java jre through the myDsl but even after installing it, i can't run any applets?? ![]() Posted by NewDude on April 21 2006,03:46
torp, I know what you are saying, but I have weened my wife off evil windoze..She didn't like it at first, but after she got to using it, she seem pretty at home with DSL now... She just needs internet and openoffice... She still does our bills on Quicken, that is the only time she uses Windoze(Our kids game machine)... but soon as I get time, I will install Wine and try to getting Quicken 2001 installed and working sos he can be Windoze free... To me though, the best way to learn DSL is almost go cold turkey with windoze... When I stumbled on DSL, with in 2 weeks I had it installed on 2 machines and we using it 75% of the time. Went out and bought some Linux, broke out my old Red Hat 6 and OpenLinux 2.3 books (For command line stuff) and started banging away. Ravindra, This forum though has been the biggest help. Just do a search before you ask the question, 95% of the time, someone has already asked the same question, also you will learn stuff along you jorney searching for the answer. Posted by AwPhuch on April 21 2006,06:05
P.S. NewDude...check this out!< http://www.linux.com/article.pl?sid=05/10/31/1653227 >
Brian AwPhuch Posted by muskrat on Aug. 19 2006,23:54
I suppose you could be right, except for the fact that nessecity is always a great teacher and motivater. when you leave old billy around as a crutch, you'll use him more than "just in case". Posted by l0st on Aug. 20 2006,20:55
it depends on how "necessary" you view that.i'm no proponent of windiz either, but i'm fully aware that even the most friendly distros have a learning curve for new switchers. what happens if you really need (read urgent) this program or that on windiz? take things slowly, it'll pan out. Posted by underdog5004 on Aug. 21 2006,03:22
I second (third?) the "Keep Windows Around" motion, at least for a little while. I tried jumping right into linux (at SuSE 10.0) and was TOTALLY over my head in about 2 minutes. I couldn't understand why my modem didn't work, what hda1 was, etc...Long story short, I've used versions of linux for about 1.5 years before I found DSL. Even so, it took me 4 months before I felt Super Comfy with it....I just figured out where to place Mydsl extensions 2 months ago. I'm a reasonably smart guy, but learning a new operating system from scratch with nothing to go on is a little much...yeah. Keep Windows, at least until you know your way around DSL. The reason I keep Windows is for games and internet (Modems just suck!) -Matthew Posted by MrBear37 on Aug. 21 2006,13:47
torp, I feel your pain !I have a spousal unit that also refuses to get ride of her M$ box.. uuuuugh Its got spyware/trojans etc.. that she can not get rid of.. I refuse to fix it anymore until she gets Windoz gone.. poor thing thinks buying a new puter will fix the ills. I got the kiddo a Gateway puter off the net that was better than what she had.. and first thing off the bat it started to misbehave.. first thing I did was wipe the drive. She complained initially but now she is happy with it... unfortunately this tack will not work with the spousal unit.. soo I allow her to work with her OS of choice until she realizes how much easier it is with DSL.. Good Luck ! Mark Posted by evilbstrd666 on Aug. 22 2006,01:00
Don't get me wrong for saying this - whenever I want to web browse, or have the time to learn something new, or listen to music while typing a paper, or run my laptop in a really really lowpower mode, I use DSL. It's the fastest thing for any one of these tasks.But, for example, I still have not found out why bittorent clients will run on this machine under windoze, and not Linux. It isn't even restricted to DSL; I have tried a number of other distro's with little success. Games are tricky too. I spend far more time in DSL than windoze recently, and wouldn't be surprised if things remain that way. But I am too familiar with windoze and have uses for it still..... A perfect example is my father, years ago. His sports car was a far superior vehicle than the minivan we had. However, even though the sports car is better in most respects, the minivan still did useful things. I can tell you, in this case, DSL sure as hell wasn't the minivan........ ![]() |