dsl 3.0 rc problems discussForum: User Feedback Topic: dsl 3.0 rc problems discuss started by: Bilal Posted by Bilal on June 02 2006,05:44
ok it ran smooth but noticed that it occupies the cpu %100. and i think that is due fluxbox..hope some one will figure out what the problem is , i had the same thing when i used the fluxbox 0.9.11 or somthing like that .. so i guess it is a fluxbox problem. any suggestions and openions. would u guys just take that part and use the same fluxbox used in dsl 2.4.. it is simple and greate. peace Posted by mikshaw on June 02 2006,14:20
There has been no change to Fluxbox in DSL since 2.4, as far as i know, and no change to the fluxbox version in perhaps the whole history of DSL.In addition to this, your logic is flawed. If there is trouble, and you change one variable and the trouble remains, how does that mean the trouble is caused by that one variable? If anything, it says that variable as likely NOT the problem. Posted by Bilal on June 02 2006,18:18
ok,for some reason after start up dsl 3.0rc will keep the cpu used %100 .. r u really going to put out dsl3.0 with this problem. does any one else notice that torsomo's cpu usage is %100 all the time after startup of dsl 3.0rc or is it just my case? on dsl 2.4 and prev there is no problems at all. peace Posted by kerry on June 02 2006,18:34
Did you open a terminal and run top to see what process was using the cpu? I had the same problem before with one of the 2.4 rc's. It has since not happend again in the release or the 3.0 line. Besides 3.0 is in testing and not meant to be perfect at this time, it will have a few problems here and there, which hopefully will be discovered and worked out before release. 2.4 is the released version if you want a stable system.
Posted by torp on June 02 2006,19:07
my cpu runs at zero percent without any apps running.torp Posted by Bilal on June 02 2006,19:26
i will do that and report back..peace Posted by Bilal on June 02 2006,20:12
ok top shows that xserv using 0.2 of cpu..now to me looking at top it seems that cpu in not that occupied, but torsomo is %100 cpu and the fan is on all the time which is unsusual. so here it is. peace Posted by kerry on June 02 2006,22:34
Try runninig " killall torsmo " to stop torsmo and run top again to see if it was killed off or continues to run in the background. Does your computer have APM or ACPI or both for power control. You might have to kill one and force the other using the cheat codes(noapm,noacpi,noapic<for off, apm,acpi,apic,<on, force=?<to force)Please check a few times to see if it's only torsmo running cpu at 100% or if different things run at 100%(which is what happened on mine.) Posted by Bilal on June 02 2006,22:52
wow.. strong stuff that i dont know what they mean ![]() ok so what ur saying is ?? what do u think is keeping the poor cpu busy? ill just stick with dsl 2.4 for now until all that stuff about 3.0 is fixed and figured out. any plans of kernel 2.6.17 ?? peace |