kernel 2.6.17Forum: User Feedback Topic: kernel 2.6.17 started by: Bilal Posted by Bilal on June 02 2006,20:20
any plans on using that kernel anytime soon on dsl?i heard it has support for a lot of network card like broadcom. peace Posted by mikshaw on June 02 2006,22:31
DSL-Not:< > I don't know if it's 2.6.17, but it's 2.6. As far as I know, there is no plan to move beyond 2.4 with DSL. Posted by Bilal on June 02 2006,22:53
i c,that too sad , because i heard that kernel 2.6.17 supports the broadcom nativly, no need for emulation and stuff. peace Posted by Bilal on June 02 2006,23:02
ok i have a question..can i compile the linux kernel on dsl .. if yes can i compile the 2.6.17? then can i use the new image and tell dsl on boot menu to use that kernel ? how? peace Posted by kerry on June 02 2006,23:31
You should try the new puppy if you want that kernel. I'm on it right now testing how it works.
Posted by Bilal on June 03 2006,00:04
im going to try that now ..
Posted by kerry on June 03 2006,00:18
I'm trying both the barebones and standard. I don't know what happened but the barebones puppy didn't make it past 30 min. before i crashed I'm on the stadard one now. This one gave me keyboard problems to start with,i fixed that. I see how long this one makes it. I still think DSL is way better.
Posted by Bilal on June 03 2006,01:19
me too dsl more than redhat or knoppix.. small and has what i need. im sure time will come and the drivers will follow.. just have to wait.. hate using the embedded thing , kills cpu.. and u dont have full hardware access .. so im waiting ![]() Posted by clacker on June 03 2006,15:20
Bilal, I have a Broadcom card and I need to use the < bcm5700.tar.gz > extension from the system section of the repository. Load that extension in emelfm or from an xterminal. Now there should be a new menu item in the right click MyDSL menu for loading those drivers. Select that item by choosing "Initialize Broadcom 5700" from the DSL->MyDSL right click menu. Then choose the DSL->System->Net Setup->netcardconfig option. That might work for you.
Posted by Bilal on June 05 2006,02:27
r we talking about the wireless card here ??did it work for u? peace Posted by clacker on June 05 2006,14:42
No i was talking about the non-wireless network card (no way to tell what card you were talking about). Did you try mikshaw's suggestion about trying dsl-n?
Posted by Bilal on June 05 2006,21:46
dsl-n looks really buggy at this point..i loke dsl.. and im sure in the future it will have to use kernel 2.6.17 or higher. i will wait for that .. i like dsl , small and i can make it what ever i want. i was hoping that one day they will just provide dsl that will have the kernel and fluxbox then u can just use mydsl to add what programs u want. this will make it very costumizable to individual need and im sure the base will be about 50 mb if only kernel and simple wm is used as base. until then , patience i guess. Posted by dslfool on June 06 2006,06:13
Bilal,This is a conversation that's been had many times on this board. Rather than making up your mind that DSL will one day have a 2.6 kernel, I'd encourage you to read the board a bit more and learn why it still has a 2.4 kernel and why DSL-N exists. Here's my understanding of DSL: - It is planned to always be under 50MB. - It is planned to always include a relatively complete set of desktop applications. - It is planned to as much as possible support older hardware. - For the reasons above it is planned to always use kernel 2.4.x. That's why DSL-N was created: to provide a similar, small but relatively complete distro with kernel 2.6.x for better support of newer hardware. If it seems buggy, bear in mind that it is very new. DSL itself was once at this stage. You can choose to wait for DSL to use kernel 2.6, but if I understand correctly, you'll be waiting a very long time (i.e., possibly forever). In that time you could be testing DSL-N and helping Robert and John determine what work needs to be done, or at the least you can simply wait for DSL-N, which has a 2.6 kernel right now, get better and more stable. Posted by torp on June 06 2006,12:06
~touche dslfool.torp Posted by Bilal on June 06 2006,19:48
love the pic on ur id .. is that really u?hmm, i guess i will wait for the stable dsl-n and try it.. now i need to do a lot of C programming and shell scripting and i need a stable linux "dsl".. peace Posted by dslfool on June 06 2006,21:18
Oh, thanks. The picture is of the character "Fuad Ramses" from Herschell Gordon Lewis' 1963 film "Blood Feast". I think it lends a calm, soothing tone to my posts. ![]() Anyway, welcome to the joys of DSL. I hope you'll find DSL-N useful as its development progresses. I've always been amazed at what Robert and John have accomplished with the original DSL. Posted by jimihieu on June 07 2006,06:50
hi what u want to use on DSL-N? Posted by Bilal on June 08 2006,21:22
im doing C programming/C++ and system programming, maybe compiling kernel.. java programming. shell scripting and perl someday ![]() peace Posted by jimihieu on June 09 2006,03:15
hiu can enable apt-get by using one of the DSL howto on DSL-N and get approriate packages from DSL wesbite to recompile your kernel ![]() have fun. Posted by humpty on June 09 2006,16:02
dsl-n i think is using 2.6.11. my hardware isn't exactly old (i810)but i've yet to get it to even boot with dsl-n. mine works best with dsl-2.1b (kernel 2.4.31) multiple kernels on the same install-cd is not a bad idea, although probably a nightmare for the developer ![]() |