DSL RankingForum: User Feedback Topic: DSL Ranking started by: sankarv Posted by sankarv on July 18 2006,08:47
DSL with its performance in its constrained 50 MB size,how will you rank for that. Whats the plus of DSL and what needs to be done to make it more better. Post your thoughts. Posted by sankarv on July 18 2006,08:48
I will rank it as No.1 because im highly comfortable with DSL than other OSesIts known for its speed and small size with high performance and stability. Posted by kerry on July 18 2006,09:42
i give it a rank of 3, since it's my third OS. it's great but sometimes the size limitation just frustrates me. i still consider it to be one of the best distro's for saving old systems, i've saved alot of old machines in my neighborhood as well as friends and family. in my neighborhood i'm the goto guy for computer problems and have converted at least half over to linux. DSL is always my first pick when i come across a poorly spec'ed machine. here's my list->#1 Ubuntu #2 Xubuntu #3 DSL(a.k.a.: Damn Small Linux) #4 Mepis Posted by Zucca on July 18 2006,11:42
1. Gentoo2. DSL 3. xUbuntu Posted by brianw on July 19 2006,01:29
I only use DSL. I would probably use a heavier distro for development if I had a system that would handle one but DSL would remain my main desktop OS.
Posted by newby on July 19 2006,04:14
1. DSL2. DSL + DOSBOX + Useful Editor + any flavor of FORTH 3. WINDOZzzz - (For the handful of Win tools I still use.) 4. DOS (If I'm really desparate!) Posted by Zucca on July 19 2006,04:36
newby:About your sig. Do you have a running DSL cluster? Posted by newby on July 19 2006,04:44
No, I'm lobbying for openMopix to be integrated into a "Damn Small Cluster" distro. Part of my idea is for the DSL community to offer cluster computing on our machines to raise funds for further DSL development. Another part is to promote Damn Small Cluster as a teaching tool in schools. And, of course, play with cluster programming ourselves. ![]() P.S. Your avitar has me curious. Where are you from? Posted by Zucca on July 19 2006,05:10
I'm from Finland.(West to Russia) And my avatar... That's me. ![]() I use to place my own face to my avatars. Posted by brianchad on July 27 2006,15:09
for what it is, i rank it number 1 ... its slim, and one hell of a rescue dick, even for windows in thw right hands ... cheers developers ... its good shit ![]() ![]() Posted by brianchad on July 27 2006,15:19
for its intebded audience ... 1++++