Problem booting DSLForum: User Feedback Topic: Problem booting DSL started by: Scooter7 Posted by Scooter7 on July 25 2006,00:32
Hello, I'm having trouble booting DSL on both my old (Windumb 95) and new (Windumb XP) comps. (windumb shows how much I dislike microsuck products ![]()
Then, I either press <space> or wait. It then continues to boot, then I get this error:
THEN, it continues to boot, and I get this error:
(where x is a combination of letters and numbers) And after 30 seconds, the error repeats. I get the same errors when booting on my XP comp (which is around 1-2 years old or less). I also got similar errors when trying to boot MEPIS Linux. What's the problem, and what's the solution? I'm using a CD-R, btw, along with a boot floppy. Posted by brianw on July 25 2006,01:17
It sounds like the CDROMs are missing reads. I seen a topic on this not too long ago in the forums. Try searching the forums for cdrom errors (an other combinations). If I come accross it again I will post back.Under windows 95 copy the knoppix directory to c:\ and make sure the knoppix file in the directory is in upper case or the boot floppy won't find it. Posted by kerry on July 25 2006,01:27
sounds like you got a bad burn, try downloading again, check the md5sum, than burn at 4x on a cdr.
Posted by Scooter7 on July 25 2006,02:01
md5sum? I'm not sure what that means, really... ![]() Posted by Scooter7 on July 25 2006,03:20
...actually, I'm running 98, not 95, srry, my mistake. And, another thing: I try to rename the file to be in caps, and it goes back to lower-case letters. Thus, it doesn't find the file. Any suggestions?
Posted by brianw on July 25 2006,14:25
I have read that you need to do it within DOS to get the name change to stick. The best way would probably be to: start win98 (or hold left cntrl key during startup to get boot menu, or use the F8 key when booting). Shutdown to command prompt only. cd \knoppix move knoppix k1 move k1 KNOPPIX reboot. (k1 can be anything as long as it is not the word knoppix) Posted by Scooter7 on July 25 2006,15:11, that didn't work. I did what you said, but when I went back into Windows, the file was still Knoppix. Err, wait - I think I did it wrong... I'll keep you notified. ;)
Posted by brianw on July 25 2006,15:52
When you go back into windows it will show the lowercase no matter what you do. You may have to change the directory name to all upper case as well. I didn't think you did but I am not positive. |