what are the new featuresForum: User Feedback Topic: what are the new features started by: gekkokid Posted by gekkokid on April 19 2004,13:42
any chance my pcmcia slots will work?
Posted by hasty on April 19 2004,16:10
I've learnt to check the change logs whenever theres a new release ![]() Posted by Rapidweather on April 20 2004,01:28
I have a notebook, with pcmcia slots, and I have a modem in one, and DSL has worked with that, with 0.5.3. I remastered the 0.6 series DSL's in include wvdial,and all of those work witht the pcmcia slots to pick up the modem. --- So, all the DSL's do pick up the pcmcia slots, but not all of the programs will. That's why I had to remaster to put wvdial in there. --- ![]() Posted by gekkokid on May 10 2004,15:05
rapidweather how can i remaster to include wvdial?
Posted by Rapidweather on May 13 2004,11:46
Take a look at my general howto here:< http://www.angelfire.com/ms/telegram/general_howto > Since wvdial is so small, it's better to include it in your restoration, rather than a remaster. The remaster process is long and complicated, and the new 0.7 may be able to handle that better with the mkmydsl script, where one can add an application and make a custom .iso. --- ![]() Posted by gekkokid on May 13 2004,19:11
thank you_gekkokid_loves_Uio |