Dual CPU with DSLForum: User Feedback Topic: Dual CPU with DSL started by: ke4nt1 Posted by ke4nt1 on May 16 2004,20:42
Trying to weed out the dual boxes here with regards to DSL 0.7
Posted by Rapidweather on May 16 2004,22:24
I have two pentium pro processors at 200 MHZ, and they have 1024 K cache.That translates into a lot of power, so I use this machine to remaster DSL. Use a 20 GB hard drive, with several partitions, three for DSL remaster purposes. Two of them contain the "master copies", so I can, if I want, work on a 6x DSL, and a 7x DSL at the same time. The third partition is for miniroot.gz, I could prepare that and insert into any remaster partition. On this box I also have RHL 9, that is used to prepare a logo.16 for the remaster. That file has to be prepared on a Windows 3.1 machine, where I have a couple of graphics programs that can do 16 color work. I then bring the file to this box, and process into a logo.16 with RHL 9. --- Here is a link to my current "Getting Started Guide" for Rapidweather Remaster of Damn Small Linux: --- < http://www.angelfire.com/ms/telegram/getting_started.html > --- At the present time, the sub-distro is not available for download anywhere, or for sale. --- As a side note, did you know that one can provide the /home/damnsmall/.xserverrc file in a remaster, and make a CD that skips the x server, mouse and screen choices when booting DSL? One would have to know what a particular computer would need in the way of a .xserverrc file, then the CD would match that machine perfectly. Good for multiple machines in a computer lab in school, for instance. --- ![]() Posted by roberts on May 16 2004,23:43
You can do that even more simply by making a tiny myXsetup.tar.gz whose contents is /home/damnsmall/.xserverrc put in on the hard drive, pen drive or cdrom using myDSL. Totally no user interaction upon booting from a myDSL cd. Plus because no remaster required it is easy to stay uptodate with the latest DSL. Or even better, add .xinitrc and have it boot up with enhanced desktop and starting your favorite app(s). Make another one for myPrinter.tar.gz and boot up hands free ready to print. Even make a simple myTheme.tar.gz and boot up showing a completely different look. I use a aqua/blue curve looking theme. Couldn't be easier. Oh, to answer the question. I don't have any multiple CPU machines. "The shoe cobbler has no shoes". My fastest intel box is only 500Mhz. Posted by TyphoonMentat on May 17 2004,05:53
I've noticed that despite Knoppix 3.4 still having an SMP kernel, no error is shown when I boot on my single-processor machines. Just wondering if they've implemented something that might help...
Posted by gekkokid on May 18 2004,13:57
i have a dual xeon 1.8mhz with 3gb ram i wasnt planning to put dsl on it but slack - but would dsl work with my system
Posted by ke4nt1 on May 18 2004,21:52
Yes.. DSL 0.6.3 runs fine on dual cpu systems..version 0.7 only in "nosmp" node for now. I use DSL 6.3 on Dual 1.9g XP's, Dual 1.0g P3's and Dual 933 P3's. Lightning fast, easy to modify, easy to restore if you like to TOAST your install from time to time. ![]() I'm Curious to find out if your xeons like DSL? 73 ke4nt Posted by cbagger01 on May 19 2004,05:13
Is your DSL 0.7 livecd a "base install" disk, or do you boot up with DSL extensions and file restoration?I was wondering if you need the nosmp boot parameter when you are booting from just the plain old 50MB sized livecd without any *.tar.gz, filetools or *.dsl Posted by ke4nt1 on May 21 2004,16:01
Yes, simply booting from live cd, no parameters, stalls.Using "nosmp" works fine for now.. I've emailed roberts and john about this, and they're on it.. "something with dsl-config..." 73 ke4nt Posted by ke4nt1 on June 05 2004,02:08
No more issues with DSL and dual cpu's!!Runs just like a mean machine! 0.7.1 has saved the day again!! If you've got a 2cpu machine, your gonna LOVE DSL !! 73 ke4nt Posted by AwPhuch on June 11 2004,14:34
Yes it would work, but it would be like having a monkey run the SpaceShuttle!! Sheesh!!!! Brian AwPhuch Posted by Ekylypse on June 13 2004,06:08
You'd like to send me that box wouldn't you? ![]() Posted by ke4nt1 on June 14 2004,02:20
Recently,I did pick up a sweet Abit BP6 with dual 533's to add to the pileup for $30.00 :-) yes... $ three-zero (They'll o'clock up to 800, but the scsi card keeps them at 600) I was quite surprised at how well it runs DSL, with a good graphic card. See in this screenshot, the dual CPU monitors, and the memory shown in TOP.. this is the Abit VP6 with dual 933's in action. < http://www.creativesound.com/ares/xine3.jpg > " I'd rather FIGHT than switch " ![]() 73 ke4nt Posted by Ekylypse on June 14 2004,03:29
Dude! Dude! Dude!
Hrm....Where do you live? Do you think that these could be bought from you? ![]() I need a new server box. And You seem to have connections, or your lucky as hell at garage sales. Posted by ke4nt1 on June 14 2004,05:28
err.... no..., no..., and .... nope..... I usually find these at various HAMFESTS around Texas.. Many good deals to be had there ... (LOTS of electronics...Expensive radios, cheap parts and connectors) (Back in May, I got a 19" monitor for $20.00, two ultra-scsi 10G HD's for $15) ( I saw pentium laptops p100-p233 for $40-$80, and by the end of the day, they were marked down to $35, take your pick ) Haven't had much luck at garage sales ... I usually get the leftovers and scraps from upgrades for friends & famliy ... 73 ke4nt Posted by betaluva on June 15 2004,23:36
what about hyperthreading ,is it supported in DSL?
Posted by cbagger01 on June 16 2004,16:04
Yes,Hyperthreading is supported in DSL. I have used it on my Hyperthreaded P4-2.8GHz machine. Unfortunately, there seems to be an issue with the SMP (multi-processor support) in DSL versions 0.6 through 0.7.1 that produce an "Error - Only one Processor found" message at boot time. DSL will still work just fine, however. If you use an older version of DSL (version for example), you will get no errors and you will see two penguins (meaning 2 CPUs) at boot time. This is also true for some versions of Knoppix, including the Knoppix 3.3 version that DSL 0.6/0.7 was based upon. However, if you go back to Knoppix 3.2 or if you go to a newer version 3.4 it will work correctly with hyperthreading and you will see two penguins at boot time. Knoppix 3.3 and DSL 0.6/0.7 will still run on the computer even if you get the message. Good Luck. Posted by ke4nt1 on June 16 2004,18:36
cbagger01?I see 2 penguins every time I bootup !? On the following systems, I can see both cpu's in action and at boottime using DSL 0.7.1 Dual Athlon MP 1.9G Dual P3 1.0G (1173) Dual P3 933 (1010) Dual 533 Celeron (600) I run "wmcpuload -c 0" and "wmcpuload -c 1" Shows both cpu's in action see this screenshot > < http://www.creativesound.com/ares/xine3.jpg > and notice both cpu's shown in the slit above mount.app What problems are you having with dual cpu's ? Perhaps this is only pertaining to Hyperthreaded single processors, not physical twin cpu's in a single PC ?? I thought that was all over with 0.7.1 - no more "nosmp" during bootup. Awaiting your reply, Kent "ke4nt" "ke4nt1" Posted by cbagger01 on June 16 2004,21:28
ke4nt,I don't have access to any true dual CPU machines. My observation is a reflection of the 10 people who reported that they get the "Error, only one processor found" message and only one penguin. However, I can verify the following For a P4-2.8GHz Hyperthreaded system (Dell Poweredge 400SC - OEM version of the Intel 875PZD motherboard), all of these versions will boot up and run: DSL = No error message, two penguins DSL 0.7.1 = Error message, one penguin Knoppix 3.3 = Error message, one penguin Knoppix 3.4 = No error message, two penguins. This is true for the Knoppix 3.4 kernel 2.4.26 boot AND also the Knoppix 3.4 "experimental" kernel 2.6.6 boot Posted by ke4nt1 on June 16 2004,21:50
While my boxes don't show the error, my son's athlon 900 gives him the "error, only 1 processor found" message.. (its just an old "socket A" 900 cpu...) I thought it was more "tongue-in-cheeK" humor about not using linux to its full capacity. I'll check some others... except for the older laptops, I'm usually on a dual box, and never see that message. Thanks... ke4nt Posted by betaluva on June 16 2004,23:45
i wish i hadnt deleted my old versions of DSL now, anyways thanks for the info.:)
Posted by ke4nt1 on June 16 2004,23:51
betaluva,the old versions are sill available for download at < ftp://ftp.ibiblio.org/pub/Linux/distributions/damnsmall/archive/ > 73 ke4nt Posted by KnightFire on Feb. 09 2005,21:55
Hi,I've an Intel P4 2.6GHz CPU (just one) and see two images of Tux when I boot with 0.9.2. -- Peace and Long Life, Matt Posted by KnightFire on Feb. 10 2005,06:30
D'oh! Another double post... any way to delete these?