Creating a MYDSL Extrension CD with wondows XP?

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Topic: Creating a MYDSL Extrension CD with wondows XP?
started by: KB1LQC

Posted by KB1LQC on Aug. 25 2006,04:17
OK so I got DSL installed to the HD "frugal LILO" on an extra computer.  I do not have it hooked up to a network or internet yet.  Also, I have dial up internet so I tried to get the MYDSL aplplications seperately.  What I did was went to work (DSL connection (Internet)) and download a bunch of the applications I wanted to onto my flash drive (Do DSL linux on that) I copied them to my xp computer and burned a disk and then a second one I made an ISO for and tried thant, neither of them worked.  Is there a way to get these burned onto a CD that DSL will recognize? I use the MYDSL ext tool thing and my choices from CDROM are: BOOT KNOPPIX and LOST and Found.  cant seem to figure it out...
Posted by ^thehatsrule^ on Aug. 25 2006,05:50
Yes, you can use a .iso editor to add the extensions to either / or /mydsl or /OPTIONAL directories of the image.

You can also use multisession tracks (if your hardware supports this).

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