Help: USB mouse doesn't work (HP T5515)

Forum: User Feedback
Topic: Help: USB mouse doesn't work (HP T5515)
started by: toufu

Posted by toufu on Aug. 25 2006,14:21
I just bought an HP thin client T5515 128M/128M. DSL 3.0.1 is installed in a 4G flash drive (USB-ZIP). I boot the machine using the flash drive. Everything looks fine except USB mouse. :( I can see the DSL is up and keyboard is working properly. But mouse cursor has no response. The mouse has no problem in WIN2000/XP. Coz the thin client only has one PS/2. I have to use a USB port to plug in a mouse.


Posted by ^thehatsrule^ on Aug. 25 2006,20:26
Run and select USB mouse.
(or boot with "dsl xsetup")

Posted by ahboyusedsl on Aug. 28 2006,03:07
Hi, I needed this too because I tried on my niece's PC I too have the same problem as tofu.

Thank you for the inform, ^thehatsrule^.


Peter Lee

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