MYDSL loading issue

Forum: User Feedback
Topic: MYDSL loading issue
started by: KB1LQC

Posted by KB1LQC on Aug. 26 2006,03:27
OK I got the computer online through my hoome network and DSL was working really really nicely but ran into some issues:

1.  Everytime I rebooted I needed to download the extensions again
2.  Now I cannot load them in, when i download nothing happens after it finishes.

Im sure this has come up before but search on the forum didnt seem to bring anything up about it...


Posted by ^thehatsrule^ on Aug. 26 2006,05:00
Anything on the ramdisk is gone after you reboot it - you'll need to save it to another permanent media.
See the wiki,mydsl, and/or startup page in dillo for more info.

I'm assuming you are using some sort of frugal/livecd environment.

Posted by KB1LQC on Aug. 26 2006,12:39
Im using a frugal LILO install to the HD,  anyway, he dillo doesnt seem to help, I follow the directins and it still dosnt work?  I dont even have a mydsl menu option after I load apps that have been on hre before that I know have that menu option!  do I need a full reinstall>  i think I download the dpkg but would that mess it up?
Posted by ^thehatsrule^ on Aug. 26 2006,18:38
If you are on a frugal and things are messing up, just remove your old backup.tar.gz and/or extra packages and start over.
Downloading dsl-dpkg.dsl should not mess anything up.

Perhaps you had just run out of memory.

Posted by underdog5004 on Aug. 26 2006,23:40
What you should do is make a partition on your hd for mydsl or just for data, then mkdir /dev/hda2/mydsl
where hda2 is whatever partition you've got it on.

That should do it. Alternately, if you don't want all of your apps to load right at startup, just make a directory titled "mydsl not at startup" or something and store them there. Then you can load them as you wish.


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