DSL with BOINCForum: User Feedback Topic: DSL with BOINC started by: dnoiz Posted by dnoiz on Sep. 08 2006,12:19
Hi,I just tried the new 3.1 RC1 version within VMWARE as a test as I want to start using the DSL distro as a solution for my BOINC PC's. I have 1Gb of RAM available so I would like to use the "toram" option for DSL. I intend to store my BOINC data on a 1Gb USB drive so that whenever the machine goes down, all information is not lost. Is this possible ? DSL in RAM and the BOINC related data on the USB drive ? I also should be able to boot from the USB drive. Thanks for any information. Greetings. Posted by AwPhuch on Sep. 11 2006,06:04
That should be possible..however it BOINC writes a pre-determined intervals...which means that it will constantly write as it processes..this will work but will reduce the life of the CFDisk