would like to contribute to dslForum: User Feedback Topic: would like to contribute to dsl started by: Bilal Posted by Bilal on Sep. 13 2006,20:23
hi,i have being thinking about how to contribute to dsl with what i know. i thought of porting gcj, i tried but that is out of my scope, ill keep that in the back of my head for now. for now there is jdk which is easy to install and runs great on dsl. thought of writing a utility with gui using java and java native interface to act as a control panel for configuring and custumizing dsl. that will take a while and if u guys like the idea ill do it. finally the one that really tickles my mind is a chat program just for dsl users , to get realtime and quick answers for any questions. ill write it using java for gui and jni for encryption and other stuff. ill write it so that it can run on windows and linux "DSL".. ill try to make it look cool to reflect dsl look and feel. the chat server can be hosted by john or robert. and the client can be downloaded by dsl users.. for the first version u choose a name and connect. later on ill try to connect to sqlite and allow u to register with name and pass before u can connect . all open source.. ;) what do u guys think? peace Posted by roberts on Sep. 14 2006,05:14
Do what "tickles your mind". That's what I do. ![]() Sounds interesting. Keep us posted. Posted by Bilal on Sep. 14 2006,09:23
ok.. ill do the chat program , ill try and get a working version soon in 2-3 days with encryption written in C++ using jni.ill do the development using jdk1.6.. that is what i have now and it is easy to install the jre. just keep that in mind. i hope we can test the initial release as soon as possible ![]() peace Posted by Bilal on Sep. 14 2006,23:47
i found a project on source forge called JavaCompiler. it uses gcj + swt and other open source libraries and it has nice gui , it generates executables "as in machine code" for linux and windows. i wrote little gui program to test it and on windows it is amazing. when i tried the linux executable it complaind that it cant find gtk library..so.0..r these libraies missing? peace Posted by ^thehatsrule^ on Sep. 17 2006,18:47
Does it require gtk2?
Posted by Bilal on Sep. 22 2006,17:36
i was not well for few days,any way i plan to start writing the chat serve which will be in C/C++ run on linux/unix/and windows, to make us have more options where the server could run + some of us cant use internet with DSL due to drivers. the client will be in java using jdk 1.6 and netbeans for gui design using absolute layout/group layout that is part of netbeans and jdk1.6 so to compile the code u need jdk1.6 for sure. all open source again. C/C++ server will compile using gcc from mingw/cygwin or gcc provided with dsl. any one willing to run the server on their machine as i dont have a machine that will be online 24/7 + i need to test my clients on the network. if any one interested please email me alexbohemia@yahoo.com. when u set up the server send me email back with the ip + port. thanks. |