Forum: User Feedback
Topic: BYE BYE DSL กก
started by: kuky

Posted by kuky on Oct. 23 2006,23:35

Good-bye dsl

I have a visit for dsl-n and change of distro...

I believe that  is suitable to pass to dsl-n, a sensation of solidity and current importance..
Abiword, mplayer, seamonkey, gtk, samba and gftp are arguments for the change...

Some MB more on the hard disk are not a problem, the heart dsl continues working in equipments of the year 97-98 pentium  II with 350 hz and 4 HD's gb,  
Only i criticizes  the name, I see more adapted that calls dsl  II, only is necessary to remove "\" of the name, I think that it continues being a spirit dsl, it is not necessary to deny the spirit dsl in dsl-n and in my case it works equally in both old equipments that I have, of the year 97 (pII 350)one and of 2001(celeron 300) other one.

A last suggestion, I believe that will be of great impulse to the project a lite version  for the international public, with only the kernel and the basic applications, leaving the translation of programs to languages with UCI applications , I believe that with the international support dsl will be one of the first linux distributions  worldwide.

Congratulations to the creative team of dsl and dsl-n
kuky from Spain

Posted by humpty on Oct. 24 2006,06:08
A split ?

 +-- n(ot) -> bloat
 +-- p(ro) -> lean

Posted by Johnnie Price on Oct. 25 2006,23:18
First Linux distributions worldwide?  I dunno about first, but I know Knoppix beat DSL out years ago. ;)
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