USB ZIP method

Forum: User Feedback
Topic: USB ZIP method
started by: VROEM!

Posted by VROEM! on Oct. 24 2006,17:50
I recently started using DSL on a 128MB USB stick trying to boot an old Epia.
The Epia board could only boot USB sticks using the USBZIP method. Since I did not have a CD at my disposal to burn and boot from it first, I decided to try and figure out how to do the install manually.
It turned out that I could not find out what the "USBZIP" method is exactly and therefore I could also not find out how to prepare my stick for USBZIP booting by hand.
Preparing a stick for the USBHDD method is easy, as it is documented on a few sites, but what changes should be mate for the USBZIP method is unclear to me.

Could someone please explain this to me and hopefully also add a pragraph about this on the wiki?

Posted by ^thehatsrule^ on Oct. 24 2006,18:20
Unless you currently have some distro working on that system or another system available, you're still in the same boat whether you do USB-HDD or USB-ZIP - manually or automatically.

What kind of resources do you have available?

Posted by VROEM! on Oct. 24 2006,18:24
I have several debian machines working and two of them can also boot windows XP.

Note that I did manage to boot another machine using the USBHDD method, but since that one held the only USB stick I have here I could not use it to create a USBZIP stick.

Posted by ^thehatsrule^ on Oct. 24 2006,20:19
I think the main difference between the scripts is zip uses mkdiskimage (perl script that "creates a blank ms-dos formatted hdd image") rather than dd to set the drive geometry.

Since you have another linux machine, you could probably copy the script over with mkdiskimage (if one isnt there) and just run that script.

Alternatively, I have heard that you can use usb-installs through vmware, and you could try it that way - if your computer can run that.

Posted by humpty on Oct. 26 2006,17:40
if you have a spare hd partition, you can try copying the /KNOPPIX dir to it and use a bootfloppy. (i'm not sure wether the hd partition has to be fat16 or not)
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