My DSL issues

Forum: User Feedback
Topic: My DSL issues
started by: kolosus

Posted by kolosus on Oct. 25 2006,22:56

I’m new to Linux and new to DSL too. I’m using DSL on a PII 300MHz 160 Mb RAM. Thankyou for putting the zip back in my aging computer.

My Problem is with My DSL extensions. I couldn’t find a place to put this question on the My DSL forum so I put it here…

I downloaded some extensions a while back… eg: k3b, free**ft, QTParted, openoffice, etc. When I first got them they were working fine. I launched them all successfully from the My DSL shortcut on my desktop. Later I transferred them to CD, as I was about to restore my win98 os from backup. When I transferred them I checked the md5checksum to see if the files on CD were identical. But later on DSL refused the extensions. Some were said to be invalid DSL files and others just gave me a small window for a fraction of a second, but no other input or links from the start menu. I checked md5 again, this time against the websites numbers, still same results. Md5 checks out but files are still refused. I placed the files on my hdd and removed the read-only attribute, but still no luck.

I downloaded the game again, and now it works fine, but the ones on CD are still refused. I have a Linux-Swap partition on my hdd, about 1GB, but its rarely used.

Thanks for your input.

Posted by kolosus on Oct. 25 2006,22:58
Sorry for double posting.
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