can DSL be installed on a formatted hard drive?

Forum: User Feedback
Topic: can DSL be installed on a formatted hard drive?
started by: john wayne

Posted by john wayne on Nov. 04 2006,13:20
hopefully someone can help with this question , I have been trying for 3 weeks to install to hard drive.I can run it from the live CD but it will not install to hard drive .I think i need to partition the disk but have been unable to do this as there is no operating system on the hard drive.I obviously have looked on the net with no luck. I can`t believe i have to re-install windows so that i can install dsl.

help from anyone would be appreciated  

                john wayne

Posted by Nym1 on Nov. 04 2006,14:12
Tools to partition and format drives are available in DSL.  
Try following the steps given in "FrugalHowto.pdf":
< >

Good Luck.

Posted by jimihieu on Nov. 04 2006,15:06
1) boot up with DSL LiveCD
2) use"cfdisk" or "fdisk /dev/hda" to partition your hard drive (assume u have only one hard drive)
3) then open a shell and issue as root:
answers a series of questions the script ask u to!
4) reboot and cross ur finger


Posted by roberts on Nov. 04 2006,15:14
Quote (jimihieu @ Nov. 04 2006,07:06)
1) boot up with DSL LiveCD
2) use"cfdisk" or "fdisk /dev/hda" to partition your hard drive (assume u have only one hard drive)
3) then open a shell and issue as root:
answers a series of questions the script ask u to!
4) reboot and cross ur finger


It is best to reboot after step 2. This will insure that the new partitions will be seen.

Seems many users prefer It is usually easier to change boot options from grub than lilo which provides. In fact, I am renaming to to make this more obvious which boot loader will be installed.

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