New DSL UserForum: User Feedback Topic: New DSL User started by: mekane Posted by mekane on Nov. 14 2006,21:21
I downloaded DSL the other day, and burned a live CD. Used the live CD to install to an old USB JumpDrive I had around. This turned out to be a great idea since my hard disk started clicking and died a few days later. I've been able to keep using my computer thanks to DSL and booting from the CD / USB.I've really enjoyed using it so far, and I'm impressed by how much is packed into it. I also like how simple it is - plain Knoppix always seems too cluttered to really use. I have had one frustration with DSL so far. I don't really understand the myDSL extension system, and the documentation all seems to assume that I already kind of know how it works. I'd like to see a really basic explanation - for dummies. And something that confused me: in the FAQ it says that if you download extensions from the web you can install them if you: "Press the MyDSL button in EmelFM." I have not been able to find this button anywhere in the EmelFM program. Other than some slight confusion with how to add additional programs, I'm quite pleased with DSL. -mekane Posted by mikshaw on Nov. 14 2006,21:58
The mydsl button no longer exists in emelfm. Local mydsl loading has been incorporated into the mydsl tool as "Load Local MyDSL Extension"