
Forum: User Feedback
Topic: iconfig
started by: master122

Posted by master122 on Nov. 17 2006,12:11
Hey im new here and sorry form my Englisch
When i restart dsl my network settings are gone ??
Then I run de wizzard and chose my ip -> ok
What must i do to keep this ip after reboot ??


Posted by dtf on Nov. 17 2006,13:16
Could you provide a few more details.

Are you using a liveCD or do you have a HD install?

How do you configure you network (what wizzard are you running)?

Do you have a dhcp server in your network?

For static address configuration you need to add a few lines to the /opt/bootlocal.sh file which will run when you boot.  This works for frugal installs.

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